
段落简介Developing paragraphs.ppt

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* III. Requirements for paragraph writing 一个好的段落应该具有以下三个特征: 1)完整性(completeness) 2)统一性(unity) 3)连贯性(coherence) 段落的完整性指的是段落得以充分展开。作者一但写好主题句,就应该用细节进行推展,细节越充足越好。 Ever since the time of the Greeks, drama has played an important role in mans lives. The Greek tragedies and comedies were a central part of the citizens lives in ancient Greece. During the Middle Ages, Bible stories were acted out in churches,and wandering companies of players performed in the streets. In modern times, drama is brought directly into peoples homes through the magic of television. 作者根据各个不同历史时期提供细节,举例说明戏剧的重要性。 完整性 * 统一性:就是一个中心思想统领整个段落。每个细节都应支持主题句,不应有无关的细节。为了支持主题,要尽可能多地提供细节,但又要避免滥用细节。 读下面段落,然后找出毛病。 ① Innovations, whether practical or aesthetic(美学的), are often resisted by the general population.② When the early experiments in the field of aviation began their work, there were many who said,“If God had wanted man to fly, he would have given him wings.” ③The Wright brothers (莱特兄弟)made the first powered flights in a heavier-than-air craft in 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.④Even today there are many who strongly object to modern art and music as being nothing more than “splashes of paint and honking horns.”(颜料斑点和汽车喇叭)⑤The painter Picasso‘s (画家毕加索)well-known masterpiece “The Three Musicians” is done primarily in blues and browns. 统一性 * 段落分析 主题句: Innovations, whether practical or aesthetic, are often resisted by the general population. 推展细节:1. Peoples objection to the early experiments in the field of aviation. 2. Peoples objection to modern art and music. 无关细节:1. The Wright brothers experiment in flight. 2.Picassos painting. 显然这不是个好的段落,因为并非所有的推展句都支持主题句。应该把无关的细节删去。 * 连贯性 段落的连贯性指的是段落的句子以清晰、符合逻辑的顺序(clear, logical sequence)连接。连贯性使读者能够找出每个观点之间的联系以及这些观点与主题句的联系。 1)使用同一时态 2)使用某种逻辑顺序:1)时间顺序(time order); 2)空间顺序 (space order); 3)重要性顺序(order of importance)。 3)使用连接成分 使用某些连接词和短语(connective words and phrases),重复某些关键词(repetition of certain key words),可以大大增加段落的连贯性。某些连接


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