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武钢股份公司营销渠道的研究 摘要 我国加入WTO后,国际钢铁巨头纷纷抢滩中国,钢铁行业国内竞争国际化的趋势日趋明显,竞争压力和生存压力进一步加大。分销渠道可以通过差异化创造企业的竞争优势,也是企业压缩成本、提高利润的重要途径。加快建设、完善分销渠道对钢铁企业意义重大。 本文从武钢股份渠道所面临的营销环境入手,重点分析了影响渠道形成的经济环境、钢铁行业的经济特征,竞争环境和产品因素。然后借鉴我国冶金行业的龙头企业-宝钢所采用的渠道策略从营销规划、渠道组合两方面分析了武钢股份渠道的现状及面临的问题。并针对以上问题重点阐述了武钢股份渠道结构的设计应讲求整体活力,通过错开搭配,发挥各渠道的优势,实现渠道间合理分工,使渠道的成本降低,提高各渠道的效率;渠道政策的设计要从资源合理配置和解决风险分担等问题来实现;以及从慎重选择经销商,完善价格体系,健全激励体系,定期评估渠道成员,加强沟通等角度解决渠道冲突的原则和方法。最后介绍了武钢股份营销渠道的发展方向,即通过加强客户关系管理提高企业收益,适应竞争环境,提高渠道的稳定性;通过实施电子商务来降低成本,提高分销效率。文中提到的问题在企业中带有普遍性,希望本文对钢铁行业的渠道建设具有参考价值。 关键词:武钢股份 营销渠道 重新设计 Abstract Keywords: Wuhan Steel Processing CO., LTD., the distribution channels the designing of the channels the management of the conflicts Since we joined WTO, more and more tycoons of iron steel in the world landed in China, the internationalization of national competition in this field becomes obvious day by day, and we have even greater stress of competition and subsistence 。Nevertheless, the variation of the distribution channels will bring about the superiority in the competition, it will also become an important way of decreasing the cost and increasing the profit)。So it is of great significance to quicken the building and perfecting of the distribution channels for the iron steel enterprises。 In this paper, I began with the marketing situation of the distribution channels of WUHAN STEEL PROCESSING CO., LTD., put stress upon the analyzing of the economic environment which will influence the formation of the channels, the economic characteristic of iron steel trade ,and the competition situation and the product factors。And then analyzed the present state and difficulties of the distribution channels of WUHAN STEEL PROCESSING CO., LTD. from the aspects of the arrangement of the distribution and the combination of the channels consulting the channels policy of Bao Steel Company, which is the leader enterprise of the metallurgical industry in China 。And with the problems mentioned above, I put emphasis on the v


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