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本科学年论文 中美送礼习俗的比较 系  别 专 业 英语(英语方向)届 别 班 级 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 职 称 二O一四年月 2014 Foreign Languages Department Hunan University of Finance and Economics Contents Abstract i 摘 要 ii Introduction 1 Chapter 1 An Overview of Gift-giving Custom 2 1.1 Origination of Gift-giving 2 1.2 Function of Gift-giving 2 1.3.1 Meeting People’s Emotional Needs 2 1.3.2 Establishing the Social Network 3 Chapter2 Chinese??Gift-giving Customs 4 2.1 Gift-giving Situation and Specific Gifts 4 2.1.1 Birthday Gifts 4 2.1.2 Housewarming and Opening Ceremonies 5 2.1.3 Festival Celebration 6 2.1.4 Congratulations on Weddings and Newborns 7 2.1.5 Funeral Gifts 7 2.2 Gift-giving Taboos 8 Chapter3 America Gift-giving Customs 9 3.1 Gift-giving Situation and Specific Gift 9 3.1.1 Birthday Gifts 9 3.1.2 Festival Celebration 9 3.1.3 Congratulation on Weddings and Newborns 10 3.1.5 Funeral Gifts 10 3.2 Gift-giving Taboos 11 Chapter 4 Comparison on Gift-giving Customs Between China and America 12 4.1 Gift-giving Situations and Specific Gifts 12 4.2 Gift-giving Taboos 13 Conclusion 14 Notes 15 Bibliography 16 Abstract Gift-giving, a microcosmic reflection of the overall consumption behavior, is a long-history social phenomenon, which is necessary for social interaction. It can meet people’s emotional needs, and create the social network. There are so many circumstances in China and America. People often send gifts on occasions such as birthday, festival, wedding, newborns, and funeral. Based on comparison, this paper points out that because of different cultural environment and customs, there are some differences in gift-giving customs in these two countries, but they still have something in common that is related to human feelings. To know these differences and similarities will help to promote the communication between these two countries. 【Key ords】ift-giving customs; Comparison; America; China


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