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农户主导型农村土地承包经营权流转规律研究* ——五类农户视角下 于传岗 (新农村发展院 平顶山学院 河南 平顶山 467000;光华管理学院 北京大学 北京 100871) [摘 要] 针对农户解决不好,政府或集体也解决不了的“土地配置悖论”,中央政府提出加强对土地流转一般规律的研究。为了研究土地流转的一般规律,基于农户资源禀赋的一般分析,本文把我国农民家庭归纳为“五类农户”。从五类农户研究视角发现,农户主导性农地流转模式具有雁阵模式、驼峰形态、梯队演进、极化效应等规律,体现了五类农户人、地、资等家庭禀赋与经济资源占优匹配的一般路径,只是以上匹配因农户所处经济、文化与社会外在环境的不同而存在差异。尽管如此,农户主导型流转模式依旧是符合我国当前农业生产力发展现状与基本国情的最优模式,成为最受农民欢迎的流转模式。因此,在未来20年或更长时间,农户主导型流转模式将长期处于主流地位,而任何违背国情的流转政策或模式,不仅造成三农问题的恶化,而且会诱发深层次社会危机。 [关键词] 五类农户 农地流转规律 雁阵形态,演化格局 Study on the Circulated Regulation of Farmer-Led Collective Land Contracting Right YU Chuan-gang ( Pingdingshan University, Pingdingshan,Henan 467000) (Guanghua School of Management,Peking University Beijing 100871) Abstract:Land configuration paradox can not be bitterly by farmers but is solved worst by government or collection, the central government has proposed to strengthen the study of the general laws of the land transfer. In order to study the general law of the land transfer, the paper based on the general characteristics of household income endowments, china farmer’s families may be classified as five type farmers. It is suggested that there are some agricultural land models of Goose, hump, black hole and so on. These characteristics can be matched to family farmers dominated the allocation of resources, therefore it is in line with national conditions of Chinas agricultural development, most farmers welcome the transfer mode. It is reasoned that farmers leading circulation patterns will be long-standing in the mainstream in the next 20 years or more. Transfer policies are made from governments when it violated nation conditions that will not only cause the deterioration of rural issues, but also induce deeper social crisis. Key words:Five different types of peasant family;Farmland transfer rule;The wild goose array pattern;the Evolution of farmland landscape 作者简介:于传岗(1974—),河南罗山人,武汉大学经济学硕士,平顶山学院经济学副教授,北京大学青年访问学者。长期从事“三农”与土地配置研究。 联系方式:电子信箱,;电话 通讯地址:河南平顶山市平顶山学院新农村发展研究院。邮


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