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灯壳冲压下料机械手的液压系统设计 摘要 机械工业是国民的装备部,是为国民经济提供装备和为人民生活提供耐用消费品的产业。机械工业的规模和技术水平是衡量国家经济实力和科学技术水平的重要标志。因此,世界各国都把发展机械工业作为发展本国经济的战略重点之一。生产水平及科学技术的不断进步与发展带动了整个机械工业的快速发展。现代工业中,生产过程的机械化,自动化已成为突出的主题。然而在机械工业中,加工、装配等生产是不连续的。单靠人力将这些不连续的生产工序衔接起来,不仅费时而且效率不高。同时人的劳动强度非常大,有时还会出现失误及伤害。显然,这严重影响制约了整个生产过程的效率和自动化程度。机械手的应用很好的解决了这一情况,它不存在重复的偶然失误,也能有效的避免了人身事故。机器人并不是在简单意义上代替人工的劳动,而是综合了人的特长和机器特长的一种拟人的机械装置,既有人对环境状态的快速反应和分析判断能力,又有机器可长时间持续工作、精确度高、抗恶劣环境的能力,从某种意义上说它也是机器的进化过程产物,它是工业以及非产业界的重要生产和服务性设备,也是先进制造技术领域不可缺少的自动化设备。 本文主要叙述了液压方面的一些设计计算过程。其中包括:液压缸的参数设计,各种液压元件的选择,电机的选择,液压集成块的设计,液压系统的安装和维护。 关键字 机械手;液压驱动;液压泵站;液压系统 Lamp Shell Stamping Cutting Manipulator Hydraulic System Design Abstract Machinery industry is National Armaments,is to provide durable consumer goods for peoples life for the national economy to provide equipment and Industry.Machinery industry scale and technology level is an important symbol to measure the strength of the national economy and the level of science and technology. Therefore, all countries in the world to develop machinery industry as one of the key strategy of the development of the national economy. Continuous progress and development level of production and science and technology has driven the rapid development of the machinery industry.In modern industry, the production process of mechanization, automation has become a prominent theme. However, in the machinery industry, machining, assembly and other production is not continuous. Relying on human link these discontinuous production process, not only time-consuming and inefficient. At the same time, the labor intensity is very large, sometimes the failure and damage.Obviously, this seriously restrict the efficiency and automation of the whole production process. Application of manipulator is a very good solution to this situation, it does not exist accidental mistakes repeatedly, can effectively avoid accidents.The robot is not to replace manual labor in the simple sense, but a combination of a mechanical d


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