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高温胁迫下38快菜的光合功能变化 生物科学专业 裴儒 指导教师 邱念伟 摘要: 【目的】本文从高温胁迫角度,研究高温对38快菜光合功能的影响。【方法】对38快菜幼苗在其每个胁迫梯度温度条件下处理2小时后测定其荧光、光合、叶绿素、质膜透性4项生理指标。【结果】叶绿素含量、质膜透性结果显示,38快菜在30℃的高温表现出一定的热伤害。净光合速率的结果显示,高温胁迫下,随着胁迫温度的升高,38快菜的净光合速率均呈显著地下降趋势。叶绿素荧光动力学曲线的特征:高温下J相和P相显著下降,在45℃和50℃的高温胁迫下出现一个明显的K相。叶绿素快相荧光动力学参数中,Tfm、Sm、N随着胁迫温度的升高而明显增加,RC/CSO随着胁迫温度的升高而逐渐降低,这4项荧光参数均对高温胁迫十分敏感。【结论】38快菜不耐高温。 关键词:38快菜;高温胁迫;光合功能;快相叶绿素荧光动力学 The changes on photosynthetic function s of leaves of 38 Kuaicai cabbages under high temperature stress Student majoring in biology science PeiRu Tutor Qiu Nian-wei Abstract:【Objective】The article point to study the effect of high temperature on photosynthetic function of 38 Kuaicai cabbages【Method】38 Kuaicai cabbages at each stress gradient temperature 2 hours after the determination of fluorescence, photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, membranous permeability 4 physiological indicators.【Results】The results of chlorophyll content, membranous permeability shows that 38 quick dishes at 30 ° c temperature showed a certain amount of heat damage. Results showed net photosynthetic rate, heat stress, as the temperature rises, net photosynthetic rate of 38 Kuaicai cabbages showed a significant downward trend. Characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics curves: j and p phase under high temperature dropped significantly, at 45 ? c and 50 c heat stress under a distinct k-phase. Fast phase of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parameters, Tfm, Sm, n obviously increases with increasing temperature, RC/CSO gradually reduced as the temperature rises, these 4 fluorescence parameters are sensitive to high temperature stress. 【Conclusion】38 Kuaicai cabbages do not withstand high temperatures. Key Words: 38 Kuaicai cabbages ; high temperature stress;Photosynthetic function; Fast chlorophyⅡa fluorescence induction kinetics 0 引言 【本研究的重要意义】高温胁迫常常影响植物的生长发育,造成农作物的严重减产。其中光合作用是绿色植物最主要的功能特征,作物生长速度的快慢与植物光合作用的强弱密切相关,同时光合作用也是植物各种代谢中对环境因子最敏感的生理过程,高温逆境胁迫会使植物的光合速率下降[1]。张富存在对番茄光合特性的研究中发现,高温胁迫下番茄的最大光合速率与高温呈


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