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基于2.4GHz频段模块的无线通信系统的开发 摘要:nRF905提供了强大的跳频机制以及大量的频道支持,可以用在许多的特殊场合,在工业生产和消费电子中具有广阔的应用前景。 本文提出了一种基于无线模块nRF905的无线数据通信系统的总体设计方案和实现方法。系统采用高速度低功耗单片机ATMEAG16L作为主芯片,nRF905作为无线收发模块,利用SPI口实现双向通信,SPI支持高速数据传输,从而满足了射频带宽的要求。由于采用较完善的软硬件设计和抗干扰措施,保证了系统工作的安全性和可靠性。系统集数据采集、无线数据通信、串行通信等功能于一体,可以很方便地实现点对点及点对多点无线数据通信,广泛应用于遥感、遥控、无线抄表、工业数据采集及家庭自动化等领域。 关键词:单片机;射频模块;温度传感器;液晶显示器;无线通信 Development of Wireless Communication System based on 2.4GHz Frequency Band Abstract :nRF905 FH provides a powerful support mechanism and a large number of channels can be used in many special occasions, in industrial production and consumer electronics in a wide range of applications. This paper proposes the overall design plan and the realization method of one kind of wireless data communication system based on the wireless module nRF905. The system adopts high-speed and low-power single-chip ATMEAG16L as the main control chip, nRF905 as a wireless transceiver modules and the SPI port to achieve a two-way communication, which support the high-speed data transmission to meet the requirements of the radio frequency bandwidth. nRF905 provides a powerful mechanism for frequency hopping, as well as a support for a large number of channels which can be used on many special occasions. Owing to a better hardware and software design and anti-jamming measures, the safety and reliability of the system are ensured. The system sets data acquisition systems, wireless data communications and serial communication in one, thus making it easy to achieve point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless data communications. So it can be widely used in remote sensing, remote control, wireless meter reading, industrial data acquisition and home automation and other fields. Keywords:Single Chip; RF module; temperature sensor; Liquid Crystal Display; Wireless correspondence 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1 1.2研究现状 2 1.3项目研究步骤及方法 2 2 系统总体设计 3 2.1系统的硬件设计 3 2.1.1 器件的选用 3 2.1.2 系统硬件原理框图 5 2.2 系统的



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