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本科毕业论文(设计) 题  目 凤翔县污水处理系统设计初试 学生姓名  专业名称  给水排水工程 指导教师  2012年 5月 13日 目 录 1 凤翔县污水处理系统设计初试任务书 5 1.1设计题目 5 1.2设计资料 5 1.3气象、地形与水文资料 5 1.4设计内容 5 1.5 设计成果 6 2 设计说明书 6 2.1污水厂概述 6 2.2工艺流程比选 6 2.3工艺流程图 8 2.4流程说明 8 3 污水处理厂工艺设计及计算 9 3.1格栅 9 3.1.1格栅设计说明 9 3.1.2格栅设计流量 9 3.1.3格栅设计参数 9 3.1.4 格栅设计计算 9 3.2沉砂池 12 3.2.1沉砂池设计说明 12 3.2.2沉砂池设计参数 13 3.2.3沉砂池设计计算 13 3.3 沉淀池 16 3.3.1沉淀池设计说明 16 3.3.2沉淀池设计参数 16 3.3.3沉淀池设计计算 16 3.4 推流式曝气池 18 3.4.1推流式曝气池设计说明 18 3.4.2推流式曝气池设计参数 19 3.4.3推流式曝气池设计计算 19 3.5污泥浓缩池 21 3.5.1污泥浓缩池设计说明 21 3.5.2污泥浓缩池设计参数 21 3.5.3污泥浓缩池设计计算 22 参考文献 24 致 谢 25 附 录 开题报告 26 结题报告 28 答辩报告 29 凤翔县污水处理系统设计初试 刘渊伟 (宝鸡文理学院 地理科学与环境工程 陕西 宝鸡 721000) 摘要 FengXiang sewage treatment plant design first try Liu Yuanwei (BaoJi university of arts and sciences the Department of Geographical Science and Environment Engineering Shaanxi Baoji 721000 Abstract:Sewage treatment plants as currently processing factory towns, the important link of the water Effective processing water quality requirements, wrong people living environment influence .Walk the road of sustainable development . The rapid development of economy and the improvement of peoples life .On the ecological environment requirement is increasing day by day .Demand more and more sewage treatment after standards. Under construction and to be built in the wastewater treatment plant is also increasing .According to the daily wastewater treatment of sewage treatment plant is divided into large, medium and small wastewater treatment plant , Especially small plant is paid more and more attention to , To prevent the serious pollution of river, Design of small sewage treatment plant to control the pollution sources, Reduce pollution, achieve discharge standards. Key words: Wastewater treatment plant design Ecological environment standard pollut 1凤翔县污水处理


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