
-奖学金申请与评定系统修改1 终.doc

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奖学金申请与评定系统的设计与实现 摘 要:本奖学金申请与评定系统是为了适应新形式下学生奖学金申请与评定工作而准备开发的一套管理系统。要求能够实现学生德智体综合信息库的自动导入,按照公式自动进行德智体综合排名,根据比例要求自动生成获得奖学金学生信息、能够查询、修改各种信息,对排名、获奖学金信息进行统计,生成报表。 本系统目的在于为教务工作有关部门提供优质、高效的业务管理和事务处理的同时,采用安全可靠的处理和控制技术,及时、准确、可靠地采集和传输信息,建立完备、可靠的处理机制,提高工作效率,减少出错率。 该系统设计使用B/S模式结构,运用SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库并使用DELPHI 7编写程序及相应的界面,同时用结构化查询语言实现对数据库的操作。本文论述了系统从分析到实现的整个过程,说明系统实现的基本思路,介绍系统不同的功能模块以及实现的相关技术。 关键词:奖学金;申请;评定 The Design and Realization of Scholarship Application and Evaluation System Abstract: The scholarship application and evaluation system is to adapt to the new form of scholarships for students and to inform the work of preparation for the development of a management system. Moral ,intelligence sports asked students to achieve a comprehensive database automatically import, in accordance with the formula automatically Moral ,intelligence sports comprehensive ranking, in accordance with requirements of the scholarship students automatically generated information, to access, modify all kinds of information on the ranking, a scholarship information Statistics show that Generation statements. The purpose of this system is to provide quality academic work of the departments concerned and efficient business management and conduct of business at the same time, the use of safe and reliable management and control of technology, timely, accurate, reliable collection and transmission of information, the establishment of comprehensive and reliable mechanism to improve Work efficiency and reduce the risk of errors. This article discusses the system from the analysis of the entire process of the realization of that system to achieve the basic ideas, different systems on the functional module and the realization of the related technology. Keywords: Scholarships, applications, assessed 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 设计意义和目的 1 1.2 研究范围及要达到的技术范围 2 第二章 奖学金申请与评定系统的需求分析 3 2.1 目的 3 2.2 学生申请奖学金评定概要 3 2.2.1 奖学金的评选对象 3 2.2.2 奖学金的评选项目 3 2.2.3奖学金的评选条件 3 2.2.4 优秀学生奖学金的评选比例 4 2.2.5 优秀学生奖学金的等级及金额 4 2.3 整体功能需求分析


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