
基于 labview 的数控机床故障诊断系统设计.doc

基于 labview 的数控机床故障诊断系统设计.doc

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基于 labview 的数控机床故障诊断系统设计.doc

本人励志为大家提供最优秀,最全面的论文设计参考资料,如有不足请给予指正,本人将不甚感激!可订做部分论文!!!具体事宜可联系QQ:844423381 需要购买者请联系我,价格将给予优惠!!! 摘 要 数控机床作为高自动化的机电一体化典型设备,已经广泛应用于各种工业加工领域,如何保证它的设备完好率是摆在工程技术人员面前的新课题,在现代化生产线的加工现场,一旦数控机床出现故障,对整个流水线的正常生产都会带来巨大的损失。我们除了在数控加工系统过程中尽可能的提高安全性和可靠性以外,如何尽快的判断故障点是排除故障的首要工作。 通过对大量数控机床故障现象统计、分类,总结了故障排除的特点,本文主要从数控机床机械系统故障诊断方面进行系统的研究: 利用压电式传感器对数控机床振动与噪声信号进行采集和处理,依据其噪声特性、响应信号及故障特征之间的内在关系,针对数控机床机械系统的非线性和噪声信号的非平稳特性,引入时、频域分析(FFT)方法有效的提取故障信息,精确找出故障点,以达到在最短的时间内排除故障的目的。 Abstract As a complete automatization equipment and machine and electric integration type equipment, the numerical control machine (NCM) has been widely applied to various fields of industrial machining. How to ensure the NCM in good condition becomes a new problem to be solved by engineering technician. In the machining locale of modernization product line, once the NCM appear fault, it will bring enormous loss to the natural production of the whole stream line. Besides improving security and reliability to the best of our abilities in the design process of numerical control machining system, how to quickly judge fault is the chief task for speedily obviating fault. The paper lay heavy stress on the fault diagnosis for the mechanical type of NCM: Piezoelectricity sensor is made use of to collect and dispose the vibration and noise signal of NCM. According to the mutual relation among noise characteristic、response signal and fault character, in allusion to non-linearity of NCM mechanism system and non-steady of noise signal, the analysis means of time-field and frequency-field are introduced to availably distill fault information, accurately find out fault, gain the ends of excluding faults in the least time. KEY WORDS:Virtual instrument, fault diagnosis, CNC machine tools, FFT 目 录 第1章 绪论 1.1 课题背景 .................................................. 1 1.2 研究现状 ......................................... .........1 1.3 论文研究内容 ................................... ..........2 第2章故障诊断系统总体结构设计


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