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汽车天窗的整体结构设计 摘要 汽车天窗作为汽车行驶时的地唤起设备,已经逐渐成为各个汽车厂家生产轿车的标准配置。在汽车天窗市场竞争中电动汽车天窗具有很强的优势,如结构简单、使用方便、可靠性高、具有很好的市场潜力等。因此选择设计电动式天窗具有良好的市场前景,也可使整车在汽车竞争白热化的今天占领了更大份额的市场本次设计了蜗轮蜗杆减速器的原理设计了电动机换向减速传动机构,As the ventilation device when driving a car, sunroofs have gradually become the standard equipment for nearly every car manufacture. In the market competition for sunroofs, electric ones enjoy great popularity for its simple structure, easy handling, high reliability and market potential, etc. Therefore, choosing to design electric sunroof has very good market prospect, making the whole car occupy more market share in the enormously fierce competition of automobile. The design of the thoughts and ideas first understand the skylight, types, characteristics and various parts of the implementation of standards. Then make a description and analysis of the performance of the sealing drainage way, skylight requirements influence on wind noise. The working principle of skylight skylight design master in part, on the basis of the principle of the worm reducer design the motor reversing speed reducer, combined with the structure properties of skylight and requirements to the roof for the design and strength check, the main analysis of the trend of worm gear drive rod parameters and size, select gear materials and types, according to the turbine gear surface contact fatigue strength calculation, checking the fatigue strength calculation of the worm and worm wheel worm gear tooth root, the size of each part of the roof, and click on the final power output selection. Finally, analysis and draw a car sunroof sliding mechanism, connecting mechanism, driving mechanism of the CAD part drawings and assembly drawings, also makes a brief analysis on the working process of the switch for roof. Key Words: sunroof; reversing deceleration structure; sliding mechanism; strength check 不要删除行尾的分节符,此行不会被打印 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1 1.2 汽车天窗的国内外发展状况 2 1.3 研究内容与方法 4 第2章 天窗结构及性能要求 6 2.1 天窗工


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