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武汉纺织大学外经贸学院 学年论文 (2012 —2013 学年第二学期) 题 目: 连锁超市物流配送中心系统优化研究         ────────────────────── 专 业: 物流管理         ──────────── 班 级: 物流2102         ──────────── 姓 名: 蔡中亮         ──────────── 指导教师: 吴朝辉           ─────────── 序 号:28 2013年9月 28日 学年论文开题报告 课题名称 连锁超市物流配送中心系统优化研究 院系名称 外经贸 专 业 物流管理 班 级 物流2102 学生姓名 蔡中亮 一、课题研究的意义2004年12月11股权、数量等方面的50 家最大的零售企业,已有40 多家在我国“抢滩登陆”1,像沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德龙等加快了在国内扩张的步伐,超市业的发展更大的挑战和威胁上海连锁经营协会的一项统计显示,门店数仅占上海一半的外资大卖场,销售额却占了全市大卖场总销售额的近八成,外资大卖场的竞争力远远超过内资大卖场。可以预见,超市在未来十年更加激烈市场竞争,行业集中度会进一步提高,竞争更趋于国际化。 二、所属领域的研究成果 三、研究内容 六、参考文献导教师签名: 年 月 日 ABSTRACT The Industry of China Stores has got a rapidly expansion due to it’s logical chain prosecution modality. It’s the most important retail business in the word nowadays ,and it’s also the main part of our domestic retailing. China’s supermarket chains develop rapidly, but the supermarket chains logistics system is still in the infancy, distribution methods are relative backward, these questions hampered economies of scale seriously. Many scholars have the distribution path planning inventory management,sorting path and management informations system as well as the corresponding research. Still less research on chain supermarket logistics distribution center system optimization, but when in fact it affected the supermarket distribution performance. In view of the above situation , this paper made a research on the chain supermarket logistics distribution center system optimization ,I hope to provide some reference for the management of the supermarket. This paper first introduces the distribution center ,distribution pattern,species distribution process and the supermarket chain logistics and distribution characteristics of chines. Then trough the analysis of the status and distribution of the development situation of domestic retail chain supermarket and distribution mode. Trying to explore the supermarket chain distribution in china. Then by analyzing the reas


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