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Purpose: This figure illustrates de-encapsulation. Emphasize: At the destination, the headers at each layer are stripped off as the data moves back up the stack. Purpose: This figure illustrates de-encapsulation. Emphasize: At the destination, the headers at each layer are stripped off as the data moves back up the stack. Purpose: Review the summary items with your students. Emphasize: Read or restate the summary statements. By now, your presentation and classroom discussion should have students able to meet the chapter learning objectives. Purpose: Review the summary items with your students. Emphasize: Read or restate the summary statements. By now, your presentation and classroom discussion should have students able to meet the chapter learning objectives. Purpose: Review the summary items with your students. Emphasize: Read or restate the summary statements. By now, your presentation and classroom discussion should have students able to meet the chapter learning objectives. Purpose: Review the summary items with your students. Emphasize: Read or restate the summary statements. By now, your presentation and classroom discussion should have students able to meet the chapter learning objectives. 定义 传输介质类型 连接器类型 信令类型 Ethernet 802.3 V.35 物理层 EIA/TIA-232 物理层功能 物理层功能 作用: 1. 发送和接受比特流 2. 直接与各种类型的介质进行通信 DCE: 数据通信设备 连接运营商 DTE:数据终端设备 连接本地 物理层介质 同轴电缆(coaxial cable):细缆和粗缆 带宽均为10M 只是传输距离不同 双绞线(twisted pair): UTP (非屏蔽双绞线) STP(屏蔽双绞线) 双绞线常见的有3类线5类线和超5类线,以及必威体育精装版的6类 三类:该电缆的传输频率16MHz,最高传输速率为10Mbps(10Mbit/s),主要应用于语音、10Mbit/s以太网(10BASE-T)和4Mbit/s令牌环,最大网段长度为100m,采用RJ形式的连接器,目前已淡出市场 五类:线缆最高频率带宽为100MHz,最高传输率为100Mbps,用于语音传输和最高传输速率为100Mbps的数据传输,主要用于100BASE-T和1000BASE-T网络,最大网段长为100m,采用RJ形式的连接器。这是最常用的以太网电缆。 超五类:主要用于千兆位以太网 物理层介质 无线(wireless): 蓝牙Blue Tooth 工作频段 2.4GHZ 数据传输速率 1Mbps WLAN技术 采用 802.11标准,后续会有详细介绍 比如802.1B G N 物理层介质 光纤(fiber) 单模 多模 区别:单模光纤相比于多模光纤可支持更长传输距离,在100Mbps的以太网以至这行的1G千兆网,单模光纤都可支持超


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