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学 院:电子与自动化学院
专 业: 自动化
学 生:
指导教师: 王 颖
完成日期: 2015年3月2日
大连理工大学城市学院本科生毕业设计()uC/OS-III The Real-Time Kernel
总计 毕业设计() 页
表格 1 插图 幅Preface
uC/OS-III (pronounced “Micro C O S Three) is a scalable, ROMable, preemptive real-time kernel that manages an unlimited number of tasks. uC/OS-III is a third-generation kernel and offers all of the services expected from a modern real-time kernel, such as resource management, synchronization, inter-task communications, and more. However, uC/OS-III offers many unique features not found in other real-time kernels, such as the ability to complete performance measurements at run-time, to directly signal or send messages to tasks, achieve pending on multiple kernel objects, and more.
The uC/OS series, first introduced in 1992, has undergone a number of changes over the years based on feedback from thousands of people using and deploying its evolving versions.
uC/OS-III is the sum of this feedback and experience. Rarely used uC/OS-II features were eliminated and newer, more efficient features and services, were added. Probably the most common request was to add round robin scheduling, which was not possible for uC/OS-II, but is now a feature of uC/OS-III.
uC/OS-III also provides additional features that better exploit the capabilities of today’s newer processors. Specifically, uC/OS-III was designed with 32-bit processors in mind, although it certainly works well with 16- and even several 8-bit processors.
The main goal of uC/OS-III is to provide a best-in-class real-time kernel that literally shaves months of development time from an embedded-product schedule. Using a commercial real-time kernel such as uC/OS-III provides a solid foundation and framework to the design engineer dealing with the growing complexity of embedded design
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