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绩效管理视角下的嘉兴报检大厅窗口服务质量管理研究 摘要:“十二五”时期,和平、发展、合作仍是时代潮流,世界多极化、经济全球化进一步加快,外向型经济依然有着较大的发展空间,为检验检疫发挥把关作用、服务地方经济、促进事业发展提供了良好的机遇。嘉兴报检大厅窗口服务质量管理要开展绩效考核工作,核心问题是使嘉兴报检大厅窗口服务质量管理的战略目标得以顺利实现。要实现战略目标,人是其中最关键的因素。 本文通过对嘉兴报检大厅窗口服务质量管理的研究,得出只有使人力资源发挥最大效能,调动人的积极性,才能使嘉兴报检大厅窗口服务质量管理各级管理人员都有使命感,进而发挥创造力,使报检大厅具有运行活力,进而对人力资源进行整合,使优者得其位,劣者有压力并形成向上动力,使得嘉兴报检大厅窗口服务质量管理目标在优化的人力资源作用下得以顺利的实现。 关键词:嘉兴报检大厅;服务质量;绩效管理;绩效考核 Abstract: The twelfth five-year period, peace, development and cooperation remain the trend of The Times, the world multi-polarization and economic globalization speeding up, the further development of export-oriented economy still has a large space, have a check on the inspection and quarantine, service the local economy, and promote enterprise development provides a good opportunity. Jiaxing inspection declaration hall window service quality management to carry out performance appraisal work, the core problem is to make jiaxing inspection declaration hall window service quality management of strategic target implementation smoothly. To achieve strategic goals, who is one of the most critical factor. This article through to jiaxing inspection declaration hall window service quality management research,It is concluded that only the maximum efficiency of human resources, mobilize the enthusiasm of people, service quality management to make jiaxing inspection declaration hall window managers at all levels have the sense of mission, and creativity, make inspection declaration hall has run vitality, on integrating human resources, and make of instituting, LieZhe pressure and form up the power, make jiaxing inspection declaration hall window service quality management goal in optimizing human resource under the action of the smooth implementation. Key words: jiaxing inspection declaration hall; The service quality; Performance management; Performance appraisal 目 录 1绪论 1 1.1 本文研究背景 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 3 1.2.1 国外研究现状 3 1.2.2 国内研究现状 4 1.3 本文研究意义 7 2 绩效管理相关概述 8 2.1 绩效与绩效管理内涵


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