16how can we o to beijing16how can we go to beijing16how can we go to beijing16how can we go to beijing.doc

16how can we o to beijing16how can we go to beijing16how can we go to beijing16how can we go to beijing.doc

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Lesson16 How can we go to Beijing?教学设计 一、学习目标: 1、通过本课学习,学生能听说认读并运用单词: plane train fast slow From…to 2、能够用句型Let’s go to…by… Let’s take a … How far is it from…to…? It’s…kilometres并在实际情境中进行简短对话。 二:学情分析: 本单元6课都是以旅游为话题,本课为第四课时,围绕选择去北京的方式为话题讨论和学习How can we go to Beijing?主要谈交通方式和交通工具,这些都与学生的实际生活紧密联系,在四年级上册已经学了简单的交通工具以及by的用法如:by car by bike等,教师要充分利用旧语言为新知识的教学服务。 本课的教学对象是五年级的学生。这些学生年龄在十一二岁左右,这个阶段的学生学习兴趣不是很高,部分学生学习目的性不强,学习的自觉性不够,注意力不够集中,容易被新鲜好奇的事物所吸引而激发学习兴趣,竞争意识也比较强。因此,在本课时本人利用学生感兴趣的声音设计,引入主题依次展开话题,授课过程中为他们提供一定的学习的方法和途径,在激发兴趣的同时培养学生的英语学习兴趣,培养他们英语自主学习的能力,让学生在和谐的课堂气氛中快乐学习。 三、教学重、难点 重点:学生掌握四会单词: plane train fast slow from…to 难点:1.用句型Let’s go to…by… Let’s take a …两种句型表示乘坐交通工具到达某地。 2.用句型 How far is it from…to…?It’s…kilometres询问从某地到某地有多远。 四、教学教法: 以情景法为、直观法、任务型教学法、交际法等,调动学生各种感官。 五、教学准备 多媒体课件 头饰 六、教学过程 Step1:Warming up Greeting(通过课前师生的亲切交流,使学生集中注意力,尽快参与到课堂活动中来。) listen carefully, Did you hear something ,what is that sound?Ok,bicycle, then listen to ,what’s that sound? Very good,It’s car. Ok, listen carefully,Did you hear something?You can say it in Chinese .Oh let’s look,right,plane This is a plane. A plane is fast. Then listen ,what’s sound? You can say it in Chinese. Right?Let’s look.right “train” 利用 rain 教train 的发音,This is a train’s look,Which one is fast/slow?引出句型 Goup two train and plane。Which one is fast/slow? 5、practice :look at the pictures and make sentences. Who wants to try? 让学生到讲台上说句子,其他同学听并跟读,教师巡视指导。(设计意图:以小组的方式检查学生对新学句型的掌握情况,可以提高学生的学习兴趣,并且帮助学生巩固记忆。) Step3、Consolidation and extension 1.Do you love to travel?I want to go on a trip to Beijing ,Do you want to go with me?How can we go to Beijing?让学生说引出Let’s go to…by… Let’s take a … How far is it from…to…? It’s... kilometres并练习句型 2.Beijing is great,Beijing is beautiful so LiMing and his mother go on a trip to Beijing, How do they go to Beijing?(Please turn page forty—four,)Let’s listen and answer the questions. 先听录音,再师生读、生生读,回答问题。 Let’s read part two,two p



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