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中图法分类号:TP391.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8961(2012) - - 文章索引信息: 一种新的几何活动轮廓模型 张萍1,2,高立群1,薛哈乐 1 1.东北大学沈阳110819 2.鞍山师范学院,鞍山市 114005 摘 要:提出了改进的LBF模型(ILBF) 及其图像分割算法。利用两种不同尺度参数的LBF模型分别描述局部和全局信息,并构造了新的能量函数。将局部熵引入到ILBF模型中,同时给出自动求取能量函数中权重参数ω的有效方法,构造了:(1)用尺度参数较大的LBF模型替代LGIF模型中的C-V模型,较大值的LBF模型不仅具有全局特性而且具有局部特性;(2)将进行数据处理后的局部熵引入到LGIF模型中,进而自动求取权重参数,克服了LGIF模型权重参数值的选取全程都需要人工参与的缺点;(3)为了有利于计算机的自动求解和避免过多无用的循环迭代,本文提出了一种新的终止准则。 关键词 :图像分割;几何活动轮廓模型;LGIF模型;局部熵;改进的LBF模型 Active contour model driven by local entropy energy Zhang Ping1,2, Gao Liqun1,Xue Hale1 1. College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110819 2. Anshan Normal University, Anshan, 114005 Abstract: A improved LBF (ILBF) model applied to image segmentation is proposed in this paper, which construct a new energy function. It has two scale parameters to descript the local and global information, respectively. At the same time, local entropy notion has applied in ILBF model and weight parameterωin energy function can also get by automation: (1) In LGIF model, it uses the LBF model which has lager scale parameter instead of C-V model, because this kind of LBF model with lager scale parameter has not only global characteristics but also local characteristics; (2) It firstly introduces local entropy which is gotten after data processing into LGIF model, then it calculates weight parameter automatically. This method overcomes the shortcoming that the calculation of weight parameter in LGIF model by artificial participation; (3) In order to be beneficial to automatic computer calculations and avoid too much useless cyclic iterations, it presents a new stop criterion. Keywords: image segmentation; geometric active contour model; LGIF model; local entropy; improved LBF model 0 引 言 人Kass于1987年提出活动轮廓模型( ACM), 该提供了一种高效的图像分析方法,可以更有效地对目标进行分割、匹配和跟踪分析[1]。Chan和Vese在2001年进一步提出了C-V模型得到了最广泛的应用和研究[2]。Li在2007年提出了一种基于区域信息的几何活动轮廓模型——LBF模型[3]。LBF模型通过引入图像的局部信息,能较好的克服C-V模型不能分割灰度不均图像的缺陷,得到了广泛的研究。但同时也正是由于L



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