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Medical English Translation and Writing Presented by 吕 桂 Medical English Teaching Research Center Medical English Translation and Writing 写一篇论文摘要,需要____这方面的能力和辛劳; 写一篇英文论文摘要,需要_____和_____两大方面的能力和辛劳。 英文论文摘要写作是人人都头痛的事。 词汇(拼写) 词汇(用法:搭配…) 用什么规范的英语句子结构来表达自己论文中的意思 让学生通过大量阅读英美人撰写的表达英美事物的文章,积累语言素材,养成用英语思维的习惯或能力,再养成用地道而规范的英语表达中国环境中的事物的习惯和能力。 英文论文摘要写作是人人都头痛的事。 词汇(拼写) 词汇(用法:搭配…) 用什么规范的英语句子结构来表达自己论文中的意思 功能意念表达句型训练 指导思想:掌握最基本最常用的大小功能意念义项以及每一个功能意念义项语言表达方式或句型 比较、够不够,疾病与治疗, 减轻障碍,可能与不可能, 确保与提供, 是,数量, 特点, 条件, 完成与进行, 需要与变化, 因果, 有利不利, 增强提高,重视忽视, 作用与方式 建议: (1)收集一些常用的义项所对应的表达方式。 (2)全文翻译或部分翻译。 Acute liver failure is a condition which, despite recent therapeutic advances, results in mortality as high as 80% ?when patients develop coma. 尽管治疗有了很大的进步,在患者出现肝昏迷的时候,急性肝功能衰竭依然导致80%的死亡率。 ? The essential requirements for the metabolic functions of a bioartificial liver system are still not well defined, since the pathophysiology of acute liver failure and the mechanism leading to death are still under intense investigation. Ammonia accumulation is thought to play a major role in the pathogenesis [15,16]. Consequently, a high ammonia detoxification capacity is a BALSS prerequisite. Since most patients with an acute liver failure present high blood lactate levels [17,18], it seems important for BALSS to be able to correct the metabolic deficiencies leading to high lactatemia. pathogenesis detoxification lactatemia path(o)- ; gen(o)-; de- ; lact-, lacto-, lacti- ; -emia; 病; 乳(汁),乳酸;离,脱,除,解除; 血(症);生成,生殖,性,基因 乳酸血症;发病学,发病机理;解毒(作用),去毒(作用); The essential requirements for the metabolic functions of a bioartificial liver system are still not well defined, since the pathophysiology of acute liver failure and the mechanism leading to death are still under intense investigation. Ammonia accumulation is thought to play a major role in the pathogenesis [15,16]. Consequently, a high ammonia detoxification capacity is a BALSS prerequisite. Since most patients with an acute liver failure present



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