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Contemplation is controlled by the spleen. So excessive contemplation will stagnate spleen-qi and affect transportation and transformation Contemplation 思则气结 leading to gastric and abdominal distension and fullness,anorexia and loose stool,etc. .Prolonged indulgence in contemplation consumes yin-blood and deprives the heart-spirit of nourishment,often bringing on palpitation,amnesia,insomnia and dreaminess,etc. 从而出现脘腹胀满、食欲不振,大便溏薄等症。久思不解,阴血暗耗,心神失养,则出现心悸、健忘、失眠、多梦等症。 举头望明月,低头 故乡。 思 悲 悲为肺之志,过悲可使肺气消减。 凡悲哀至极,肺气过于敛肃,宣发输布失职, 营卫不能布散,胸中大气(宗气)于是消耗。 excessive grief affects the normal functions of the lung todepurate,descend,disperse and distribute,leading to failure of the nutrient qi and the defensive qi to distribute and consumption of the pectoral qi. Greif is dominated by the lung,so excessive grief exhausts lung-qi.Usually So excessive grief often impairs the lung,leading to dizziness ,lassitude and dispiritedness,etc 故悲哀伤肺者,常见头昏、乏力、精神不振等症。 忧 Excessive anxiety inhibiting qi 忧则气郁 忧与肺、肝均有关,忧愁过度,可伤及肺、肝。 忧则气郁,可导致肺气抑郁或肝气郁结。 Anxiety is related to the liver and the lung.Excessive anxiety may impair the lung and the liver.Anxiety usually inhibits qi and leads to depression of lung-qi or stagnation of liver-qi. The depression of lung-qi causes chest oppression and unsmooth breath;stagnation of liver-qi leads to hypochondriac distension and fullness or pain, unhappiness and reduced appetite. 肺气抑郁则使人心胸满闷,呼吸不畅;肝气郁结则可致胸胁胀满或疼痛,心中不快, 饮食减少等。 喜喜 Excessive joy relaxing the activity of qi 喜则气缓 缓有“缓和” 与“涣散”双重含义。 喜为心之志,正常情况下, 喜能使气血和缓,营卫通利, 心情舒畅; “Relax”here also means “slack”.Joy is controlled by the heart. normally joy can harmonize qi and blood,smooth the activity of the nutrient qi and defensive qi as well as ease the mind. 喜则气缓 If it becomes excessive,it may slack heart-qi,derange the mind and lead to inability to concentrate and even mania. 若大喜过度则导致心气涣散, 神不守舍,出现精神不集中, 甚至失神狂乱等症状。 怒 怒则气上 Excessive anger driving qi
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