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An Introduction to Linguistics 东北大学 董革非 内容简介 《语言学教程》(第三版)在修订版基础上听取广大师生的意见改编而成。包括语言学理论介绍,语音、词汇、句法、语义,语言和认知,语言和社会文化,语言和文学,语言和计算机,语言学和外语教学,语言学流流派等十二章。 本书有以下几大特点:权威性:名家撰著畅销近二十年,语言学教材经典之作、时代性:充分汲取国内外语言学研究的必威体育精装版理论和成果、知识性:全面而系统阐述理论和应用语言学领域的内容、实用性:深入浅出脉络清晰,利于课上教学和课下自学、趣味性:生动插图与轻松例子合而为一,化枯燥为有趣、互动性:配有网络版,读者专家互动极大延伸求知空间。 本教材适合高校英语专业本科学生以及语言相关专业学生和研究人员使用,另配有练习册和光盘及学习网站。 Course Description This course is an introduction to the general principles and concepts, essential terminology and theories of linguistics. Linguistics tries to answer two fundamental questions: What is language? How does language work? Course Objectives Make students be clear of the essential concepts in the field of linguistics. Cultivate students’ awareness in contemporary research and issues in linguistics. Develop students’ capacity in logical thinking and critical thinking, Encourage students to pursue their interdisciplinary interests Relate theories to practice Assessment Attendance and participation in class discussion or group work (10%) Assignment (10%) Class presentation (10%) Final examination or term paper (70%) Chapter One Linguistics Definition: the scientific study of human language (language about language) Why study linguistics? Language is a fundamental part of our lives Language makes us human Linguistics helps in the process of learning and understanding other languages. Linguistics increases your understanding of culture or the social world Why study linguistics? Linguistics has many practical applications Linguistics is useful in your future teaching profession Linguistics is one of the choices for your further education Linguistics can promote your other language-related studies The process of linguistic study Certain linguistic facts are observed Generalizations are made Hypotheses are formulated Hypotheses are tested by further observations Linguistic theories are constructed Principles of linguistic study Exhaustiveness: all the materials relevant to the investigation s



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