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真笑还是假笑?研究实验室的电脑比人类更擅长区分 Do you smile when you’re frustrated? Most people think they don’t – but they actually do, a new study from MIT has found.What’s more, it turns out that computers programmed with the latest information from this research can do a better job of differentiating smiles of delight and frustration than human observers do. 当你心情沮丧的时候你会微笑吗?大部分人认为不会——但是MIT一项新的研究发现事实并非如此。而且,结果证明,装备有必威体育精装版研究信息的电脑比人类更擅长区分开心的笑容和沮丧的笑容。 The research could pave the way for computers that better assess the emotional states of their users and respond accordingly.It could also help train those who have difficulty interpreting expressions, such as people with autism, to more accurately gauge the expressions they see. 该研究可以使计算机更好地了解用户的情绪状态,从而做出相应的反应。还可以帮助像自闭症患者等在辨别表情方面有困难的人,使这类人更准确地判断他们看到的表情。 Lead researcher Ehsan Hoque said: The goal is to help people with face-to-face communication. 首席研究员Ehsan Hoque表示:“这项研究的目标是帮助人们进行面对面的沟通。” In experiments conducted at MITs Media Lab, people were first asked to act out expressions of delight or frustration, as webcams recorded their expressions. 在MIT媒介实验室进行的实验中,人们首先被要求做出开心或沮丧的表情,由网络摄像头对他们的表情进行记录。 Then, they were either asked to fill out an online form designed to cause frustration or invited to watch a video designed to elicit a delighted response- also while being recorded. 然后,他们或者被要求填写一张导致沮丧情绪的在线表格,或者观看一段可以引起开心反应的视频,同样由网络摄像头记录下来。 When asked to feign frustration, Hoque says, 90 percent of subjects did not smile. But when presented with a task that caused genuine frustration – filling out a detailed online form, only to then find the information deleted after pressing thesubmit button – 90 percent of them did smile. Hoque表示,当被要求假装沮丧时,90%的调查对象没有笑。但是当面临一项真的会导致沮丧的任务时——填写一张详细的在线表格,当点击“提交”按钮后却发现所有信息都被清除了——90%的人却露出笑容。 Still images showed little difference between these frustrated smiles and the delighted smiles elicited by a video of a cute baby. 然而,照片显示这种沮丧的笑容和观看可爱的婴儿视频引起的开心的笑容没有什么差别。 But video analysis showed that the progression of the two kinds of smi



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