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人体胚胎学 Human embryology 主讲人: 苏衍萍 20 Preface 21 Human embryogenesis and development of early period (2)受精 fertilization E.The process of fertilization 受精过程 2.Blastocyst formed and implantation(胚泡形成与植入) (2)Contraceptive techniques interfere with a wide variety of reproductive mechanisms 受精与节育和不孕不育 Infertile(15%-30%in American ) Chromosome analysis can determine the parental source and the defective chromosome and provides a basis for diagnosis an possible treatment Despite the high rate of spontaneous abortion, human reproductive efficiency is very high. Methods : (1)Barrier contraceptives prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.(2)The birth control pill prevent ovulation.(3)injected or implanted sources of progestin deliver a chronic antiovulatory dose. ( * * 1.Definition:(定义) Study development and mechanism of human body from fertilization to birth. 2. Content(内容) (1) Normal human body development in uterus.(胚胎发育) (2)Relation between mother and embryo. (母子关系) (3) Hereditary malformation and reproductive engineering(先天畸形与生殖工程) 3、 胚胎分期 (1)preembryonic period(胚前期) fertilization to —2W (2)embryonic period(胚期) 3W—8W (sensitive period of teratogenesis,致畸敏感期) (3)fetal period(胎儿期) 9W—birth *perinatal period(围产期) 26W--4W after birth 受精 8周末 胚期 胎期 围产期 ( 1-8周) (9-38周) (26周-生后4周) 出生 受精、卵裂、 器官系统发育、 胚泡形成、 功能建立完善、 植入 、 胚体长大。 三胚层形成分化、 胎膜胎盘形成 器官原基建立 有害因素影响可致畸 ……… 4、Importance and method (1) Importance (2) Study methods 1 Germ cell and fertilization(生殖细胞和受精) (1) Germ cell (生殖细胞) spermatozoon (精子) A. Morphological maturation(形态的成熟) in testis B.Spermatozoa undergo a Functional maturation in process of journey from the seminiferous tubules (生精小管) to the ampulla of the oviduct (输卵管) C. Capacitation:获能: Definition :It is defined as the final step of sperm maturation , consisting primarily of changes in the acrosome (顶体)that pre



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