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热词学习 ---romance 翻译1班4组 1.异地恋long-distance relationship 2.裸婚naked marriage 3.闪电式结婚Whirlwind Romance 4. 短信期待Textpectation 5.婚姻保险Marriage protection insurance 6. 秀恩爱Public display of affection 7.试婚trial marriage 8.女同性恋者lesbian 9.半糖夫妻Weekend couple 10.出轨extramarital affair 异地恋long-distance relationship A long-distance relationship (LDR) is typically an intimate relationship that takes place when the partners are separated by a considerable distance. Long-distance relationship(LDR)指双方相隔距离遥远,但却保有亲密关系的状况,也就是我们所说的“异地恋”或“远程恋爱”。 Before the popularity of internet dating, long-distance relationships were not as common, as the primary forms of communication between the romance lovers usually involved either telephone conversations or corresponding via mail. 在网恋盛行之前,异地恋还不是很普遍,因为那时候恋爱双方的沟通交流方式仅限于电话或写信。 裸婚 naked marriage Naked marriage is one of the most popular catchwords at the moment. It means no house, no car, no diamond ring, no wedding ceremony, no wedding photos or honeymoon. Just taking a picture and getting a certificate is all thats needed to get married. naked marriage; “裸婚”是指不买房、不买车、不办婚礼甚至没有婚戒而直接领证结婚的一种简朴的结婚方式.; We solved the problem with a naked marriage. We accepted reality. Theres nothing wrong with that 我们通过裸婚解决了这个问题,我们接受了现实,这本身没有什么错。 Naked marriage is a rising phenomenon, especially in big cities such as beijing and shanghai where property prices have risen nearly fivefold in the past decade 裸婚是种逐渐兴起的现象,尤其是在像北京上海这样的大城市里,在过去的10年中,北京上海的房价已经翻了5翻。 A whirlwind is a strong swirling wind that is very quick and often unexpected; so a whirlwind romance is a romance that happens very quickly and quite unexpectedly. so, a whirlwind romance 就是那种突然,快速的恋爱,换句话说,就是闪电式的罗曼提克。 So we can get some couples who meet and perhaps within a few months they get married; that would be a whirlwind romance.如果一对夫妇在认识不多久就结婚了,那么我们就可以使用这个短语:a whirlwind romance 闪电式结婚。 eg:But?it?was?a?whirlwind?romance?for?us?too, I guess
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