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兰州商学院陇桥学院 本科生毕业论文(设计) 论文(设计)题目:论国际贸易术语的选择方法 系 别:经济贸易系 专 业 (方 向):经济贸易 年 级、 班:2009级商务师班 学 生 姓 名:栾 昕 指 导 教 师:魏静静 2012 年 11 月 25 日 论国际贸易术语的选择方法 摘要 贸易术语是国际贸易进行的关键要素,其伴随交易贸易术语意味着买卖双方承担不则和世界形势的变化而变化,使用不同的国际同的义务、责任及风险。采用何种贸易术语,既关系到双方的利益所在,也关系到能否顺利履约。不同贸易术语相对于买卖方的风险点划分各有不同,因此根据交易的具体情况,审慎、合理地选择国际贸易术语能使进出口商有效的防范和降低贸易术语本身的局限性或出口商利用贸易术语进行欺诈所带来的风险。国际货物买卖的目的和全过程,在于实现货与款的跨国相对流的探讨。而贸易术语具有双重性,即可确定作为货物流动方式的交货条件,又可决定作为价款基本单位的价格条件,国际贸易的买卖双方通用贸易术语,可以简化交易磋商和买卖合同的内容,节省交易磋商的时间和费用,促进交易的达成。在进行国际贸易的实践活动中,为了把握先机,必须加强国际贸易术语实际应用的探讨。 【关键词】贸易术语;风险归避;选用方法;因素 Abstract Trade terms are key elements in international trade and their accompanying transaction terms of trade means that buyers and sellers cannot change and changes in the world situation, using various international obligations, responsibilities and risks. Used trade terms, concerns the interests of both sides, is also relevant to successful performance. Different trade terms relative to the sale of risk different plot points, in accordance with the specific circumstances of the transaction, prudent and reasonable choice of international trade terms would enable importers and effectively guard against and reduce the trade term itself limitations or exporters to take advantage of trade terms of the risk of fraud. Purpose of the international sale of goods and the whole process is to achieve the cross-border flow of goods and explore. Term has a dual nature, you can determine the flow conditions of delivery of goods and decide basic unit price as the price conditions, international trade buyers and sellers trade in general terms to simplify trade consultations and the content of the contract of sale, saving time and cost of business consultation and promote trade. In the practice of



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