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国际贸易实务名词解释汇总 第一章 B2B:business to business trade 企业对企业贸易 B2C:business to consumer trade 企业对消费者贸易 the export office: 出口办公室 transport modes:运输方式 the export contract:出口合同 customs:关税 cargo/credit insurance:货物/信用保险 documentation:单据 EU:European Union 欧盟 E-commerce:电子商务 globalization:全球化 logistics:物流 importer:进口商 assembly:组装 out-sourcing:外包 the monopolistic control:垄断,控制 the theory of comparative advantage:比较优势理论 dumping grounds :倾销市场 TOT:the terms of trade 贸易条件 balance of trade :贸易差额 International Chamber of Commerce(ICC):国际商会 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD):经济合作与发展组织 World Trade Organization(WTO):世界贸易组织 Regional trade agreements(RTA):区域性贸易协定 Central European Free Trade Agreement(CEFTA): 中欧自由贸易区协定 ASEAN Free Trade Area(AFTA):东盟自由贸易区 MERCOSUR:南方共同市场 Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits(UCP):跟单信用证统一惯例 International Maritime Bureau(IMB):国际海事局 European Free Trade Association(EFTA):欧洲自由贸易协定 North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA): 北美自由贸易协定 Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN):东南亚国家联盟 ANDEAN:安第斯共同市场 Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation(APEC):亚太经合组织 SAFTA: 南亚自由贸易协议 Common Market for Eastern and Southern African (COMESA):东南非共同市场 CARICOM :加勒比海共同市场 Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) : 美洲自由贸易区 Labor-intensive :劳动密集型 Gulf Markets : 海湾市场 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) : 独联体 Asociacion Latinoamericana de Integracion (ALADI) :拉丁美洲一体化协会 Central American Common Market (CACM) : 中美洲共同市场 Colombo Plan for Co-operative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific : 亚洲和太平洋地区经济和社会发展合作的科伦坡计划 Communaute Francaise Africaine(CFA)(The Franc Zone):非洲法郎区 Co-operation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf:海湾合作委员会 Council of Arab Economic Unity:阿拉伯经济统一体理事会 Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS):西非国家经济共同体 League of Arab States:阿拉伯国家联盟 Nordic Council:北欧理事会 Organization of African Unity(OAU):非洲统一组织 Organization of Amercian States(OAS):美洲国家组织 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade:关税及贸易总协定 Department


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