engine starting process analysis the condition of high plateau.doc

engine starting process analysis the condition of high plateau.doc

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分类号 V235.13 编 号 20070812110 U D C 密 级 公开 中国民航飞行学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 高高原条件发动机启动程序分析 Engine starting process analysis the condition of high plateau 作者姓名 专业名称 热能与动力工程 指导教师姓名及职称 副教授 提交日期 20 年 月 日 答辩日期 20 年 月 日 答辩委员会主任 评 阅 人 20 年 月 日 高高原条件发动机启动程序分析 学生: 指导老师: 摘 要 中国是世界上拥有高原机场较多的国家之一,其中西藏邦达机场是全球海拔最高的民用机场。高原机场由于独特的地理条件导致飞机和发动机性能较差,早些年曾是“飞行的禁区”,近年来随着飞机性能的提高、地面设备的投入使用以及从业人员素质的加强。中国陆续开通了高原机场的航线。但高原机场一直以来仍是飞行安全的大敌,随着西部大开发步伐的加快和经济的不断发展,新建的高原机场必然越来越多,高原机场的航线必然越来越繁忙,因此分析高高原飞机发动机启动程序的特点,采取相应的措施保障飞行安全具有非常重要的意义。 关键词:涡扇发动机,高高原,启动程序。 Engine starting process analysis the condition of high plateau Abstract: China is one of the countries with more of the plateau airport in the world, including the Tibetan dagring airport is one of the worlds highest civilian airport. Due to the unique geographical conditions of the plateau airport aircraft and engine performance is poorer, the early years was a flying of the area, in recent years, with the improvement of aircraft performance, ground equipment put into use, and the strengthening of personnel quality. China has opened a route plateau airport. But has always been of the plateau airport is still the foe of flight safety, the quickening pace of the western development and economic development, the new plateau airport will be more and more, the plateau airport routes must be more and more busy, therefore analyzing the characteristics of the high plateau of aircraft engine starting process, take corresponding measures to guarantee the flight safety has very important significanc



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