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海上保险(Marine Insurance)
第1条:海上保险的定义(Marine insurance defined)
A contract of marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses incident to marine adventure.
第2条 海陆混合风险 (Mixed sea and land risks)
2.(1) A contract of marine insurance may, by its express terms, or by a usage of trade, be extended so as to protect the assured against losses on inland water or on any land risk which may be incidental to any sea voyage.
(2) Where a ship in course of building, or the launch of a ship, or any adventure analogous to a marine adventure, is covered by a policy in the form of a marine policy, the provisions of this Act, in so far as applicable, shall apply thereto;but, except by this section provided, nothing in this Act shall alter or affect any rule of law applicable to any contract of insurance other than a contract of marine insurance as by this Act defined.
第3条 海上冒险与海上危险的定义(Marine adventure and maritime perils defined )
3.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, every lawful marine adventure may be the subject of a contract of marine insurance.
(2) In particular there is a marine adventure where-
(a) Any ship, goods or other movables are exposed to maritime perils. Such property is in the Act referred to as “insurable property.”
(b) The earning or acquisition of any freight, passage money, commission, profit or other pecuniary benefit, or the security for any advances, loans or disbursements, is endangered by the exposure of insurance property to maritime perils.
(c) Any liability to a third party may be incurred by the owner of, or other person interested in or respons
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