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大断面直墙半圆拱巷道支护设计与优化 单仁亮1,孔祥松1,李 斌2,单 鹏1,夏 宇1 (1.中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院,北京 100083;2.汾西矿业(集团)有限责任公司,山西 介休 032000) 摘要:新峪矿第二轨道巷围岩较破碎,存在支护难度较大问题。对原支护方案进行了位移场、应力场和塑性区的数值模拟,并分析了巷道围岩变形破坏特征,结果认为影响巷道支护强度的关键因素是三径比和锚杆长度。设计合理的三径比可以增加锚固长度,合理的锚杆长度可以增加锚固深度,能大幅改善巷道支护效果。文章结合理论计算,提出6种优化方案,并采用FLAC3D分别对6种优化方案进行数值模拟计算,结果认为第6种方案最优。将此方案应用于工程实践,现场实测数据证实了新方案能有效控制巷道围岩变形,提高巷道的安全性。研究结果表明:巷道帮部和角部是支护的关键部位,加强其支护强度有利于提高巷道整体稳定性。 关键词:大断面巷道;巷道支护;三径比;锚杆长度;数值模拟;优化 中图分类号:TD353 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-4051 Supporting design and optimization of large section roadway with straight wall and semicircle arch SHAN Renliang1,KONG Xiangsong1,LI Bin2,SHAN Peng1,XIA Yu1 ( 1.School of Mechanics Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China; 2. Fenxi Mining Industry Group Co., Ltd., Jiexiu 032000,China) Abstract:Aiming at the problem of supporting difficulties because of rock crusher in the second roadway, the displacement field, stress field and plastic zone of the original supporting plan was simulated, and the surrounding rock deformation and failure characteristics was analyzed. The result shows that the key factors affecting roadway strength is three-diameter ratio and anchor length. Reasonable three-diameter ratio can increase anchorage length; reasonable anchor length can increased anchorage depth. The paper put forward 6 optimization schemes combining theoretical calculation, and make numerical simulation for the 6 optimization schemes using FLAC3D. The result shows that the sixth scheme is the most optimal. Based on above researches, the optimal supporting parameters are proposed and applied in engineering practice with field condition. According to the in-situ monitor data, the new scheme can effectively control deformation of roadway surrounding rock, and improve the overall safety. The research results show that strengthen the support strength of sidewall and corner can improve the stability of roadway as they are the key support parts. Keyword


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