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七情致病與邊緣系統之相關性及其臨床用藥 桃園廖桂聲中醫診所 Relationship between Disorders from Seven Emotions and Margin System and Its Clinical Medicine 1. K. S. Liao 2. Y. S. Jaing 3. J. Y. Lee 1. K. S. Liao Physician of Chinese and Western Medicine 2. Y. S. Jaing Head, Neurosurgery, TaipeiMedicine University 3. J. Y. Lee Direstor, Yueshan Chinese Medicine Clinic Abstract: The seven emotions belong to “spirit” in Chinese medicine. They are the internal objective feelings of people on the external things and phenomena, which reflect the spiritual activities of people (in the frontal lobe of brain, margin system), and called “seven emotions”, “five wills”. They belong to normal spiritual activities, which will not cause the disease normally. When the spiritual activities are too violent or lasting too long, which exceed the tolerance of human physiology and psychology, they will become the factors of causing the disease. The treatment shall regard five internal organs as the center, the body fluid of qi and blood will be the basis of material. The mechanism of spiritual disease is the imbalance of internal organs, qi and blood, especially the disorder of the five internal organs and spirit. Keywords: Seven emotions, frontal lobe, margin system, five wills, spiritual disease Contact person: K. S. Liao Address: 1F, #55, Lishing Road, Taoyuan City 30354 TEL: 886-03-3397528 廖桂聲、2.蔣永孝、3.李政育 廖桂聲 中西醫師。 蔣永孝 台北大學神經外科主任。 李政育 育生中醫診所院長。 摘要: 七情情志在中醫學屬于“神”的範疇,是人們對客觀外界事物和現象的一種內心體驗,反映人的精神情志活動(在大腦的額葉、邊緣系統),以“七情”、“五志”稱謂。其屬于正常的精神活動,一般不會致病,當情志活動過於劇烈或持久,超過人體生理和心理所能承受的限度時,便會成為致病因素,治療以五臟為中心,精氣血津液為物質基礎,情志致病的機轉為內臟氣血,尤其是五臟氣機的失調。 關鍵詞:七情、額葉、邊緣系統、五志、情志致病。 壹、前言: 社會脈動及變遷過於快速,人際關係經營及經濟活動的多變性,讓不少病患情緒因之被挑起,煩躁不安、抑鬱難平、過度興奮或憂傷…等症狀慢慢浮現。再加上面臨特殊的心理社會壓力危險因子,如(1)升學考試及事業壓力增加、工作調動等。 (2)分離(家人死亡、離婚)能引起人們喪失感、威脅感和不安全感的心理社會應激最易致病,其中尤以配偶喪亡,影響最為嚴重。有一調查發現新近喪偶者,在居喪當年的死亡,比同年齡其他人的死亡率高七倍。(3)健康問題(生病、重病)、(4)更年期或老年面臨空巢期和失落感的到來、(5)居住環境擁擠和空氣染等…,使得罹患該症的人口也會遞增。【1】 貳、臨床症狀: 門診病歴舉:楊太太(化名)一向身體健康,半年來情緒不穩定,老是心悸得很厲害,


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