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中国药科大学2012年级2015-2016学年第1学期 《化学制药工艺学》教学日历 Tentative Schedule for Chemical Pharmaceutical Technology Textbook: 《Chemical Pharmaceutical Technology》(Beijing, Chemistry Industry Press, 2008) Class hours: 34 hours; Number of students: 162 Instructor: Zhenya Dai, Xiaoming Zha Director of Department of Medicinal Chemistry: Yungen Xu Dean of College of Pharmacy: Haiping Hao Time (Peroid) Contents Requiements C.H. 1st week (8.31~9.6) Zhenya Dai 绪论 Introduction 了解化学制药工艺学的研究对象和内容; 2、了解化学制药工艺研究的重要性。 1. To understand the objects and contents of chemical pharmaceutical technologyTo understand the importance of study of chemical pharmaceutical technology 1 Chapter 1 化学药物合成路线的设计方法 Design methodology of synthsis route of chemical drugs 1、了解设计药物合成路线的目的; 2、掌握药物工艺路线设计方法。 design of drug synthsis route 2. To master the design of drug synthsis route 1 2nd week (9.7~9.13) Zhenya Dai Chapter 2 碳-氮键的合成 Synthesis of carbon-nitrogen bond 1、掌握氮原子对饱和碳原子的亲核取代反应; 2、掌握氮原子对不饱和碳原子的亲核取代、缩合、加成反应; 3、掌握亲核性碳原子和亲电性氮原子之间的反应。 To master the necleophilic substitution of nitrogen atom to saturated carbon atom; 2. To master the necleophilic substitution, condensation and addition of nitrogen atom to unsaturated carbon atom; 3. To master the reactions between nucleophilic carbon atom and electrophilic nitrogen atom. 2 3rd week (9.14~9.20) Zhenya Dai Chapter 3 碳-氧键和碳-硫键的合成 1、掌握醇、醚、酯键的形成; 2、掌握碳-硫的合成。 the formation of alcohol, ether and ester bond; 2. To master the synthesis of carbon-sulpher bond. 1 Chapter 4 芳香族化合物的取代反应 Substitution of aromatic compounds 1、芳香族化合物的亲电取代反应; 2、芳香族化合物的亲核取代反应。 To master the electrophilic substitution of aromatic compounds; 2. To master the nucleophilic substitution of aromatic compounds. 1 4th week(9.21~9.27) Chapter 5 碳-碳键的合成 1、掌握碳-碳双键的形成反应; 2、掌握碳-碳单键的形成反应 To master the formation of carbon-carbon double bond; 2. To master the formation of carbon-carbon single bond 2 5th week(9.28~10.4) Chapter 6 杂环化合物的合成 heterocyclic compounds 1、了解杂环化合物在药物合成中的重要性; 2、掌握常见的药物杂环合成


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