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2014届本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目 国产影视作品中孙悟空形象造型分析 作者姓名 王跃敏 指导老师 高字民 二级学院 戏剧影视文学 学 号 1B106234(100143) 国产影视作品中孙悟空形象造型分析 摘 要 孙悟空是我国神魔小说《西游记》中最为经典的角色之一,国内外皆有许多根据小说《西游记》改编的影视作品。 我们一般讲的形象分析,大都是文学层面着眼。但对于孙悟空这样一个半人半神的特殊形象,视觉方面的造型十分重要。本文阐述了孙悟空艺术形象的渊源并通过例举历年相关的具有代表性的影视作品,包括戏曲片、动画片、电视连续剧和电影来具体分析孙悟空形象造型由传统单一到多元化多层次的造型演变过程。通过具体作品中孙悟空的服饰、动作和语言、故事情节和角色塑造的关系,剖析了孙悟空形象在不同媒体条件下造型的不同特点,梳理了其发展历程、规律,以及孙悟空视觉造型的民族化特色。 关键词:视觉造型;民族特色 ;多元化发展 The Analysis of Figure Modeling of Monkey King in Domestic film and Television Abstract Sun Wukong is our country god evil spirit novel Monkey one of most classical roles, domestic and foreign all has many the film and television work which Monkey reorganizes according to the novel. We say generally the image analysis, is mostly the literature stratification plane focuses.But regarding the Sun Wukong this kind of half human of half god special image, the visual aspect modelling is extremely important.This article elaborated the Sun Wukong art image origin and lifts all previous years correlation through the example to have the representative film and television work, including the drama piece, the animated cartoon, the TV serial and the movie analyzes the Sun Wukong vivid modelling specifically from the tradition as solely as the multiplex multi-level modelling successional variation process, through the concrete work in SunWukongs clothing, the movement and the language as well as the plot, analyzes its development course and the rule, in immediately the more and more many reorganization work new time, tries hard the rule which found the Sun Wukong vivid modelling to evolve, manifests and inherits the national characteristic.Better inherits the Sun Wukong vivid modelling the artistic culture. Keyword:Visual modelling; National characteristic; Multiplex development . 目 录 引 言 1 1孙悟空艺术形象的渊源 2 2 传统基础:戏曲片、动画片中的孙悟空造型 3 2.1戏曲片


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