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國小教師領導類型、班級氣氛與學習態度之研究 -以高雄市為例 李清榮 摘要 本研究旨在探討國小教師領導型態、學童班級氣氛、學童學習態度之關係。研究目的在瞭解國小教師領導類型,班級氣氛、學習態度的實際情形及探討不同學童背景變項之國小教師領導類型,班級氣氛、學習態度上的差異情形。其次探討國小教師領導類型,班級氣氛、學習態度三者的關係。了解影響國小學童學習態度重要因素,提出改善教師班級經營之參考。根據的研究結果提出具體建議,提供有關單位及做為進一步研究之參考。 本研究得到以下結論:國小學童意識教師領導類型以「鼓勵」最常使用,「表現」其次,「控管」最少。國小學童知覺之班級氣氛普遍良好。國小學童學習態度尚屬積極,但仍可再予加強。班級人數少、年紀輕、年資少之國小教師有較佳之教師領導方式。女性、服務年資5年以下、班級人數少、一般大學畢業國小教師有較好的班級氣氛。市區、女童、班級人數少國小學童有較積極的學習態度。國小教師領導類型與學習態度有顯著正相關。國小學童班級氣氛越好,對其學習態度有正面影響。國小學童良好學習態度,對教師領導有其正面影響。國小教師領導類型與班級氣氛對學習態度有作有效預測力。 關鍵字︰國小學童、教師領導類型、班級氣氛、學習態度 Thesis topic : The Research of the Leadership Types, Class Atmosphere and Learning Attitude of the Kaohsiung City School Teachers Ching-zong Lee Abstract The research focused on the exploration of the relationships of the leadership types of elementary schools’ teachers, class atmosphere and student learning. The research subject was the sixth graders of the public elementary schools in Kaohsiung city. It used the cluster sampling method and had three major research instruments: a. Questionnaire of the leadership types of teachers b. Questionnaire of the class atmosphere of the elementary schools c. Questionnaire of the learning attitude at elementary schools The contents of these questionnaires were based on literature review and related studies. Seven hundred and sixty questionnaires were formally sent and seven hundred and fifty-one were valid. The questionnaire data used SPSS 10.0 software to do descriptive statistics, t test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis, scheffe post hoc and stepwise multiple regression. They were to verify the hypotheses and put the major findings into conclusion . The research obtained the following conclusions; 1. To elementary school students, the most commonly used methods for the leadership types teachers were encouragement and performance. And the least used was disciplining. 2. To elementary school students, as well a


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