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3、过去企业管理注重制度,程序化,人与物的关系,可是人是活生生的,我们要加强研究如何管理活生生的人。 The corporate management in the past paid more attention to systems, prosecures, and relationship between human and productive materials. But humanbeings are alive. We need to do better in managing people. 4、中国传统文化好多思想在企业管理中大有用武之地。己所不欲,勿施于人。老板对员工应该这样,员工对老板也应该这样。 Many thoughts in Chinese traditional culture can be applied in modern corporate management. ex. Dont do to others what you dont want others to do to you. The bosses should treat employees like this, and vice versa. 5、克己复礼。太好了!把纪律变成不仅是外部的要求,而且是内心的要求。格物致知修身养性齐家治国平天下。 restrain yourself and return to propriety. Great! Consider self-discipline as not only out pressure but also requirement of your inner self. 6、具体办法。吾日三省吾身。 Concrete ways: One has to reflect on himself three times a day. 7、忠义礼智信,温良恭俭让。 Benevolence, faithfulness, righteousness, wisdom and honesty. temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. 8、言必信,行必果。 Promise has to be kept, and actions have to be resolute. 9、天时不如地利,地利不如人和。 Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people. 10、有了这些营养,人能够有良好的思想,自觉符合企业人性和科学的管理,又保持主动性、创造性和愉快的心态。 With these cultural nutritions, people can have good thinking and are willing to adapt themselves to the scientific management of the enterprises. Meanwhile, they can maintain an active manner, creativity and pleasant mentality. 我们正在做什么?Current Economic Issues Facing China 宋承敏 by Song Chengmin 一、如何看待中国经济?How to evaluate Chinese economy? 1、我要列举好多条,但是最重要的一条是,问题都在想办法解决,而不是不去解决,或者想去解决而没有办法解决。比如环保,结构调整,创新,低收入,社会保障,信 I have many points to make, but the most important one is: we are trying to think of ways to resolve all the issues instead of avoiding them. ex: environmental protection, adjustment of economic structure, innovation, low income, social security, credibility, monopoly, reform and opening up, anti-corruption etc. 用,食品安全,垄断,改革开放,反腐败,等等。 只是有些问题一时还没有找到更好的办法,有些问题还需要