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亚行贷款支付程序 ADB Resident Mission in the PRC 亚行驻中国代表处 TABLE OF CONTENTS 提纲 Part I ADB Loan Disbursement Policies 亚行贷款支付政策 Part II ADB Loan Disbursement Guidelines 亚行贷款支付指南 Part III ADB Loan Disbursement Procedures 亚行贷款支付程序 TABLE OF CONTENTS 研讨会内容 Part IV Loan and Grant Financial Information Services (LFIS) and Reports 贷款及赠款财务信息系统和报表 Part V Common Causes of Delays in Disbursement Processing 拖延支付的常见原因 Part VI Disbursement Delegation 支付授权 Part I ADB Loan Disbursement Policies 亚行贷款支付政策 Conditions of Withdrawals from Loan Account 支 付 条 件 Bank account shall have been established at a bank acceptable to ADB 银行账户应该在亚行认可的银行开设 Relevant Relending/On-Lending Agreement and Subsidiary Loan Agreement should have become effective 相关的再次贷款/转贷协议和补充贷款协议应该生效 Example: Onlending Arrangement and Indicative Fund Flow  举例:转贷和资金划拨链 Disbursement Policies 支付政策 Only for the Purpose of the Loan 只用于贷款目的 Article 14-IX第14-IX条 Proceeds of ADB loan used only for procurement in member countries. In addition, goods and services should be produced in member countries. 亚行贷款资金只能用于在成员国进行的采购活动。此外,商品和服务都应该在成员国生产或提供 Mined, grown or produced in a member country 在成员国开采、种植或生产 Substantial transformation from raw materials and component parts to finished goods takes place in a member country 从原材料和组成零件向成品的实质性转变发生在 成员国 - Procurement in member countries 成员国的采购 Proceeds of ADB loans may only be used for procurement in member countries. 亚行在采购领域的贷款只提供给成员国 Goods and services should be produced in member countries (at least 50% value added) 成员国负责生产货物和提供服务产品 (至少使其增值50%) Retroactive Financing 追溯融资 Expenditures incurred and paid for by the Borrower before a loan agreement becomes effective 在贷款协定生效之前, 借款人发生并支付的开支 Retroactive Financing 追溯融资 Not earlier than 12 months before signing the Loan Agreement in connection with items to be retroactively financed 在贷款协定生效之前, 借款人发生并支付的开 支可追溯至贷款


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