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Key; Task One III)Sentence Translation 1. I have just got off the plane. 我刚下飞机。 2. I have been looking forward to this trip. 我一直盼望着这次旅行。 3. Let’s take a short rest there. 我们去那儿休息一下。 4. How’s your flight? 旅途怎么样? 5. I hope you will have pleasant stay here. 希望你在这度过一段快乐时光。 6. I’m glad to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 7. Would you tell me some more details, please? 请具体谈一谈好吗? 8. Welcome to our company. 欢迎到我们公司来。 9. Thank you for your invitation. 谢谢你的邀请。 10. I’ll show you around. 我可以带你去看一看。 IV)Dialogue Interpretation Lee : 嗨,您是来自JCSCC 的伊麦得先生吗? (Hello, are you Mr.Imad from JCSCC?) Imad: Yes, I’m. Lee : 我代表天津市轻工业对外贸易公司来这接您。 (I represent Tianjin Light Industrial Foreign Trade Corporation to meet you here.) Imad: Glad to meet you, Miss Lee. Thank you for your coming to meet me at the airport. Lee : 我帮您提行李。我们车在那边的停车场。 (let me help you with your baggage. Our car is just over there in the parking lot.) Imad: OK,let’s go. Lee : 您坐飞机感觉如何?(How’s your flight, Mr.Imad?) Imad: It was a smooth flight. Lee : 在飞机上呆的时间很长吧?我想睡一夜好觉后,您一定会休息过来。 (That was really kind of long in the airport, wasn’t it? I hope you’ll feel rested after a night of good sleep. ) Imad: Yes. How far is it to the hotel? Lee : 开车四十分钟。这是您第一次来中国吗? (About 40 minutes’ ride. Is this your first trip to China?) Imad: No, I visit China frequently. But this is my fist visit to Tianjin. Tianjin is a large city, isn’t it? Lee : 是的,它既大又美丽。大约有一千叁百万人口。有许多景点。以其美味烹而著名。 (Yes, it is large and beautiful. There are about 13 million people. It has many scenic spots. Tianjin’s is famous for its delicious cuisine. ) Imad: That’s great. I must enjoy its flavor. Task Two III)Sentence Translation 1. The fish is fresh and tasty. 这鱼味道鲜美。 2. I have had more than enough. 我已经吃得够多的了。 3. How is everything going with you. 一切都好吗/ 4. I’ll remember this party forever. 这个晚会令我终生难忘。 5. I wish you all brisk and continued development in our business dealing. 祝大家生意兴隆,买卖越做越好。 6. We are holding a banquet here tonight to wel



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