
racial and etnic diversityracial and ethnic diversityracial and ethnic diversityracial and ethnic diversity.ppt

racial and etnic diversityracial and ethnic diversityracial and ethnic diversityracial and ethnic diversity.ppt

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racial and etnic diversityracial and ethnic diversityracial and ethnic diversityracial and ethnic diversity

part1 Racial and Ethnic Diversity 1,A Word about Terms 2,What Foreign Visitors See 3,How Americans View Race and Ethnic Relations 4,Austin, Texas: A Case Study 5,Suggestions For Foreign Visitors A Word about Terms Race人种 :to refer to people with different physical characteristics, notably color of skin, type of hair, and shape of eyes, nose, and lips. Very generally speaking, Americans will talk about white, yellow, red, brown and black races. Ethnic种族 :to refer to differences associated not with physical characteristics but with values and customs. What foreign visitors see 1,The racial and ethnic diversity that foreign visitors experience while in the United States depends very much on the part or parts of the country they visit. 2,Chicago’s ethnic neighborhoods: Chinatown, Greek town, little Italy, Indiantown, Ukrainian Village. Most of them are in poor-looking parts of town, with buildings in obvious need of paint and repairs. People living here are often from economically poor backgrounds. 3,People there hold racial prejudice and stereotypes and often ask foreigners with an image of people from East Asia. 4, The predominant values and ideas that have historically shaped American culture have been those of the white, middleclass male. Although racial and ethnic minorities have long played a role in shaping American society, their cultural values have not always been recognized and rarely have been valued. How Americans View Race and Ethnic Relations 1970,colored Negro black African American WASPS (i.e. White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants), white Catholics, Jews Nonwhites, non-Caucasians, disadvantaged groups, minorities, people of color Euro-Americans In 1954, the U.S Supreme Court outlawed segregation in public schools. In 1967,The U.S Supreme Court decided that state laws banning interracial marriages were illegal. In 1970s, some state laws allow interracial marriage. The last state, Alabama, do so in 2000



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