
software engieeringsoftware engineeringsoftware engineeringsoftware engineering.ppt

software engieeringsoftware engineeringsoftware engineeringsoftware engineering.ppt

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software engieeringsoftware engineeringsoftware engineeringsoftware engineering

Software Engineering Course Overview What is software engineering? Modeling the process and life cycle Planning and managing the project Capturing the requirements Designing the system Concerning objects Writing the programs Testing the software Maintaining the system ? Fundamentals of Software Engineering (2nd Edition) Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Mandrioli Prentice-Hall, Inc. (2002) 目 的 ? 体验软件工程各阶段的主要工作,特别注意吸取教训; ? 学会与他人合作,培养团队精神,单干户将得不到成绩。 * Lecturer: CAO XiaoPeng 教材(TextBook) Software Engineering: Theory and Practice (Second Edition) . Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2001 ? Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach(Sixth Edition)? Roger S. Pressman, Mc Graw Hill (2006)? ? 参考书目 (References) ? 参考书目 (References) ? 软件工程导论(第4版) 张海藩, 清华大学出版社(2003) 其它参考资料 系统/软件工程研究与实践论坛 UML软件工程组织 / IT之源 / UML之源 软件工程协会 / 科学文献索引 / Chapter 1: What is software engineering? ? The Evolving Role of Software In the early days: User ?? Computer Software = “Place a sequence of instructions together to get the computer to do something useful”. In late 1950’s: Computer became cheaper and more common High level languages were invented Programmer User ?? ??Computer ? In early 1960’s: Very few large software projects were done by some experts. In middle to late 1960’s: Truly large software systems were attempted. Case 1. 美国IBM公司在1963年至1966年开发的IBM360机的操作系统。这一项目花了5000人一年的工作量,最多时有1000人投入开发工作,写出了近100万行源程序。据统计,这个操作系统每次发行的新版本都是从前一版本中找出1000个程序错误而修正的结果。 这个项目的负责人F. D. Brooks事后总结了他在组织开发过程中的沉痛教训时说:“…正像一只逃亡的野兽落到泥潭中做垂死的挣扎,越是挣扎,陷得越深,最后无法逃脱灭顶的灾难。…程序设计工作正像这样一个泥潭,…一批批程序员被迫在泥潭中拼命挣扎,…谁也没有料到问题竟会陷入这样的困境…”。 IBM360操作系统的历史教训成为软件开发项目的典型事例为人们所记取。 Software Crisis ! -- NATO Conference, Garmisch, Germany, 1968 Or maybe Chronic Affliction is more accurate? ? What is Software ? Software is a set of items or objects that form a configuration that includes ?



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