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Stanford University V.S. Cal. Berkley Birth of Standford University Leland Stanford, who grew up and studied law in New York, moved West after the gold rush and, like many of his wealthy contemporaries, made his fortune in the railroads. He was a leader of the Republican Party, governor of California and later a U.S. senator. He and Jane had one son, who died of typhoid fever in 1884 when the family was traveling in Italy. Leland Jr. was just 15. Within weeks of his death, the Stanfords decided that, because they no longer could do anything for their own child, the children of California shall be our children. They quickly set about to find a lasting way to memorialize their beloved son. California University Cal. Berkley The University of California, Berkeley (also referred to as UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California, or simply Cal) is a public research university located in Berkeley, California, United States. The university occupies 1,232 acres (499?ha) on the eastern side of the San Francisco Bay with the central campus resting on 178 acres . Berkeley is considered a Public Ivy and the flagship institution of the 10 campus University of California system. Established in 1868 as the result of the merger of the private College of California and the public Agricultural, Mining, and Mechanical Arts College in Oakland, Berkeley is the oldest institution in the UC system and offers approximately 350 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in a wide range of disciplines. 最早伯克利加大这片土地是1866年由私立的加利福尼亚学院(College of California)所买下,但由于当年资金短缺,学院被州立的农业、矿业和机械学院合并,并在1868年3月23日成立了加利福尼亚大学。它是加利福尼亚州第一所全课程的公立大学。学校于1869年9月开始招生,1870年起由Henry Durant任第一届校长。1873年,当North Hall和South Hall完工后,学校正式迁入位于伯克利市的新址。 About Cal. Berkley 伯克利在世界范围内拥有崇高的学术声誉,在其所拥有的 100多个子学科里,有众多世界级的学术大师。曾在伯克利工作和学习的诺贝尔奖得主不少于69位(诺奖数量世界第六),其中包括25位校友。15位图灵奖(相当于计算机界的诺贝尔奖)得主位居世界第一,7位菲尔兹奖(相当于数学界的诺贝尔奖)得主与普林斯顿大学并驾齐驱。2003年,伯克利被英国泰晤士报评为世界大学学术排名第一名;第二年被评为世界第二,仅次于哈佛大学。 * Oski the Bear Stanford Tree Stanford university Stanford
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