
steam turbinegenerator cooling )steam turbine(generator cooling )steam turbine(generator cooling )steam turbine(generator cooling ).ppt

steam turbinegenerator cooling )steam turbine(generator cooling )steam turbine(generator cooling )steam turbine(generator cooling ).ppt

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关于发电机冷却方式的问题generator cooling mode 发电机的发热部件,主要是定子绕组、定子铁芯和转子绕组。Heating parts of the generator mainly inculde stator coil,stator iron core and rotor winding. 为使这些部件发出的热量散发出去,必须采用高效的冷却措施,保证发电机各部分温度不超过允许值。 To loss heating in referred parts ,it should adopt with high efficiency cooling measures ,in order to guarantee the temperature is within the allowed value . 对于200MW及以上汽轮发电机组主要是使用冷却效果好的冷却介质,并发展了把冷却介质引入载流导体内的直接冷却技术,即所谓绕组的内部冷却方式。 Referred to 200MW and above steam turbine generator ,mainly adopt cooling medium with good cooling effect ,and developed the direct cooling technique by lead the cooling medium into convey current conductor,it is also know as coil inner cooling mode . 目前大型发电机冷却的介质有空气\氢气、水。 current cooling medium of large generator : air ,hydrogen,water 大型机组基本是:水-氢-氢冷。 large unit basically : water-hydrogen-hydrogen cooling 小机组基本是:空冷、氢冷。 small unit basically : air cooling ,hydrogen cooling 水冷工艺要求较高,基本想法就是这些水在绕组里循环流动不能滴漏。轻微的渗漏就导致严重的后果。优点就是效果明显高于空冷。 water cooling requires high technics,basically should ensure no water drip when water experiencing circular flow in the winding. Slight leakage will lead to serious consequences. Advantage: the effect is obviously higher than air cooling . 氢冷,优点也是冷却效果好。但缺点是危险,容易火灾及爆炸。所以要设置一个专用的系统来起密封作用。称为发电机密封油系统。 hydrogen cooling: the advantage is good cooling effect, while the disadvantage is insecure ,easily lead fire and explosion. It is required to set a dedicated system for sealing ,as we called it generator sealing oil system . ANY QUESTION? Course: Equipment and System of Steam Turbine Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College of Electricity Department of Power and Mechanical Engineering Teacher :Qing Li Translator :Delia Tang Department of Power Engineering, Jiangxi Vocational Technical college of electricity Equipment and System of Steam Turbine 江西电力职业技术学院动力工程系 THE END! Course: Equipment and System of Steam Turbine Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College of Electricity Department of Power and Mechanical Engin



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