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奥巴马就美国康州校园枪击案的演讲词 今天下午我跟Malloy州长和FBI局长Mueller谈过 This afternoon I spoke with Governor Malloy and FBI Director Mueller 我代表全国人民向Malloy州长致唁 I offered Governor Malloy my condolences on behalf of the nation 并明确表示他可以动用一切所需资源来调查这起凶残的案件 And made it clear he will have every single resource that he needs to investigate this heinous crime 来抚恤逝者 慰问家人 care for the victims ,counsel their families . 过去几年我们忍受了太多的类似惨案 We’ve endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years . 每次听到这样的新闻时 And each time I learn the news 我不是以总统的身份做出反应 I react not as a president 而是像所有人一样 我的身份是家长 But as anybody would ,as a parent 这在今天尤为真实 And that was especially true today 我知道全美国所有家长都跟我一样感受到极度的悲痛 All I know is the United States of America all parents who doesn’t feel the same overwhelming grief that I do . 今天遇难者大多是儿童 The majority of those who died today were children . 漂亮的小孩子们 beautiful little kids 年龄在五岁到十岁之间 between the ages of 5 and 10 years old 他们的人生才刚刚开始 They had their entire lives ahead of them 生日 毕业 婚礼 birthday , graduations ,weddings 生儿育女 kids of their own 逝者中也有教师 Among the fallen were also teachers . 这些男人和女人们奉献一生 men and women who devoted their lives 来帮助我们的孩子完成梦想 to helping our children fulfill therr dreams 所以今天我们感到心碎 So our hearts are broken today 是为了这些孩子的父母祖父母们 for the parents and grandparents 为了isters and brothers of these little children , 为了那些丧生的大人们 and for the families of the adults who were lost 我们的心痛同样献给幸存者的家长 Our hearts are broken for the parents of the survivors as well , 虽然他们孩子今日得以幸免 能平安回家 for , as blessed as they are to have 但他们知道 孩子的纯真已被过早夺去 they know that their children’s innocence has been torn away from them too early, 没有什么言语能够抚平他们的伤痛 and there are no words that will ease their pain . 我们国家经历了太多类似案件 As a country ,we have been through this too many times , 不论是牛顿的小学 whether its an elementary school in Newtown 俄勒冈的商场 or a shopping mall in Oregon 威斯康辛的寺庙 or a temple in Wisconsin 奥罗拉的电影院 or a movie



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