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臂神經叢損傷:brachial plexus injury
斜頸:torticollis or wry neck
肌營養不良症候群(肌肉失養症):muscular dystrophy
關節變形:joint deformity
粗動作功能分類系統: Gross Motor Function Classification System ,GMFCS
國際功能分類系統 : International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
腦性麻痺: cerebral palsy
階層理論: hierarchical model
神經發展治療 : neurodevelopmental therapy
浮動型肌肉張力: fluctuating muscle tone
試畫出國際功能分類系統 : International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
1. 有關脛內側應力症候群之敘述,何者為錯誤?
(1)和shin splints 之機轉相似 (2)通常影響到脛後肌(tibalis posterior m.)
(3)可由功能性之扁平足造成 (4)作外翻肌群阻力測試會造成疼痛
2. 扁平足通常與下列那些情況有關?【1】足後跟外翻 【2】足後跟內翻 【3】前足部外展
(1)僅【1】【2】 (2)僅【1】【3】 (3)僅【2】【3】 (4)【1】【2】【3】
3. 下列有關gait之敘述,何者錯誤?
(1) Heel-strike: hindfoot moves into pronation while the tibialis anterior muscle contracts to bring the forefoot into supination ( greater mobility
(2) Foot-flat: because the forefoot is fixed to the ground, the peroneus longus muscle contracts, maintaining a pronated twist of the metatarsals
(3) Foot flat cause the windlass effect, due to the stretching the plantar aponeurosis
(4) Push off: the external rotation of the tibia is transmitted to the subtalar joint as supination of the hindfoot and contraction of the calf muscle, creating a thrust for push-off
4. 有關ankle-foot的描述,下列何者不正確?
(1) The medial arch maintained statically by the short and long plantar ligaments and dynamically by the anterior and posterior tibialis muscles
(2) Supination of forefoot with the hindfoot fixed ( lowering arch
(3) Heel in a varus position ( high arch, a supinatedfoot or pes cavus
(4) Subtalar neutral position: (1/3) from eversion (2/3) from inversion of calcaneus
(5) When the subtalar joint is held in its neutral position there is the best ability for the midtarsal joint to pronate
5. 有關ankle-foot的描述,下列何者不正確?
(1) External rotation of tibia over the fixed foot ( supination to the foot, increasing the
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