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毕业论文(设计) 题 目 A Comparison Between American and Chinese Middle School Education 院 系 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 英 语 年级 20xx级 学生姓名 x x x 学 号 xxxxxxxxxxx   指导教师 x x x A Comparison Between American and Chinese Middle School Education xx专业 学生:xxx 指导老师:xxx 【摘要这篇文章主要是对中美中学教育的对比。中国的学生从上午六点一直学到下午六点,大约在七点吃完晚饭然后回教室上自习。他们大概要学到10点过,中国的学生面临着比美国的学生更加激励的竞争,而美国的学生学习时间只有中国的一半。 美国的学生考不到高分,他们倾向于做他们擅长的而且会做到最好。如果他们没做好,没关系,至少你自己感觉很很好。在中国你所做的应该是学习,如果你不能再考试中获得高分,无论你如何解释都只能说明你没有努力, 在美国老师喜欢用新的教学方式教学生,老师不仅传授新的知识而其帮助他们解决自己的问题。在中国,老师不会浪费太多时间浪费无关于考试的问题。 已经有很多人对于中国的中学教育给出了改革方案,但是,这些方案种是有些这样那样的不足之处。但是,将中国和美国的中学教育和美国的进行比较我们会找到适合我国国情的教改之路。 【关键词 比较 美国 中国 中学教育 A Comparison Between American and Chinese Middle School Education Abstract: This article focuses on the topic of comparison between American and Chinese middle school education. Chinese students work very hard. They often go to school at 6 a.m. and back home at 18:00. This is not the end. They are supposed to attend evening lessons at school with their schoolmates until 10 p.m. The competition Chinese middle school students are facing is more stressful than their American counterparts. They spend more than 14 hours studying, while those in the United States spend only 7. The United States middle school students could never score high in the exam only if they borrow the philosophy from their Chinese counterparts. In the United States, students tend to do what they can and try their best. In Chinese middle school education, students do nothing but study. If they fail to get a high score in the exam, it means they have not tried their best, for whatever reasons they present. In the United States middle schools, teachers would like to use the inquiry teaching. They not only teach students new information, but also help them solve their own problems about the course. While in China, teache



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