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* * book 3 module 1 words 1. across 从表面穿过、横过(道路,沙漠等) through 从中间穿过、通过(洞口、隧道、管道、森林等) go across the road\desert go through the hole\tunnel\pipe\forest 1.Please go through these papers carefully. 请你仔细审阅这些文章。 2.Go through the text from the beginning. 把课文从头看一遍。 1.The brain learns through experience. 大脑通过经验来学习。 2.They make money through advertising. 他们通过广告来赚钱。 3.We all go\live through difficult times. 我们都经历过困难时期。 through 通过 get through度过,熬过(困难或不快的 时期);接通电话 1.他在五分钟内呼叫上海六次,但无法接通。 He called shanghai six times in five minutes, but couldnt get through. 2.难以想象人们将怎样熬过这个冬天。 It is hard to imagine how people will get through the winter. 2.face v. 面朝,面向 face sth 面对 be faced with 面临 face to face 面对面地 face-to-face 面对面的 heart to heart 心与心地 heart-to-heart 心与心地 lose face 丢脸 1.你需要和你的父母面对面谈话。 You neet to talk to your parents face to face. 2.Face-to-face communication is the most persuasive. 面对面的交流更有说服力。 3.面临困难,我们不要放弃。 Faced with difficulty, we shouldnt give up. 4.面对死亡,任何人都会感到恐惧。 Facing death, everybody feels scared. 3.range 山脉;范围 1.The Himalayas are the greatest mountain range on earth. 喜马拉雅山脉是地球上最大的山脉。 2.The range of the missiles(导弹) is increasing. 导弹的打击范围正在逐步扩大。 4. situated 坐落,位于 be situated in 坐落于,位于 be located in lie in 1.The british museum is a museum of human history and culture, situated in london. 大英博物馆是一个坐落在伦敦包含人类历史和文化的博物馆。 2.This factory is situated only five miles out of the city. 这个工厂位于城外五英里的地方。 5.symbol n.象征 symbolize v. symbolic adj. symbolic meaning象征意义 在中国,红色象征着好运和幸福。 In China the color of red symbolizes good luck and happiness. 6. architect 建筑师 architecture 建筑学,建筑 7. project 工程,项目 8.sculpture 雕刻,泥塑 这个雕塑引起的公众的注意。 This sculpture has caused public attention. 9.birthplace 出生地 birthday 生日 birthday party 生日派对 give birth to 诞生,产生 She gave birth to a daughter. 10.civilisation 文明 modern industrial civilisation 现代工业文明 Can it take a rest and let civilisation recover? 它难道就不能休息一下,让文化复苏? 11.ancient 古代的 in ancient times 在古代 in modern times 在现代 1. In anci


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