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中国能源统计简介 孟合合 国家统计局能源统计司 Brief Introduction to Energy Statistics in China Mr. Meng Hehe Department of Energy Statistics NBS of China 中国能源统计简介 能源统计机构 能源统计调查 能源统计数据 能源数据发布 Brief Introduction to Energy Statistics in China Energy Statistical Agencies Energy Statistical Surveys Energy Statistics Dissemination of Energy Statistics 能源统计机构 国家能源统计机构 国家统计局设立能源统计司,负责管理全国能源统计工作。 地方能源统计机构 各级地方政府统计局设立能源统计机构,或能源统计岗位。地方统计局的统计事务受上一级统计局领导。 Energy Statistical Agencies National Energy Statistical Agency The Department of Energy Statistics established by NBS of China is in charge of nationwide energy statistical work. Local Energy Statistical Agencies Local bureaus of statistics set up energy statistical agencies or positions. The local bureaus are led by those at the upper level. 能源统计调查 能源生产统计 调查的指标:产品产量、销售量、库存量 调查单位:月度为规模以上工业法人单位(年销售收入2000万元以上的工业法人单位);年度为全部工业企业。 统计调查机构:国家统计局工业统计司 Energy Statistical Surveys Energy Production Statistics Survey Indicators: output, sale volume, storage Survey Units: Industrial legal entities above designated size (with annual sales revenue of above 20 million RMB) for monthly survey; All industrial enterprises for annual survey. Statistical Survey Agency: Department of Industrial Statistics of NBS of China 能源统计调查 能源商品进出口统计 统计指标:进口量、进口金额;出口量、出口金额; 统计范围:全部能源商品; 统计单位:海关总署 Energy Statistical Surveys Import and Export Statistics of Energy Goods Indicators: import volume, import amount of money, export volume, export amount of money; Scope of Statistics: All energy goods; Statistical Agency: General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China 能源统计调查 国内成品油批发、零售统计 1.成品油批发单位调查(季报) 调查指标:购进量、销售量、库存量 调查单位:成品油批发企业和产业活动单位。 2.成品油零售单位调查(季报) 调查指标:销售量、库存量 调查单位:成品油零售企业、产业活动单位和个体户。 统计调查机构:国家统计局贸易外经统计司 Energy Statistical Surveys Wholesale an


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