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四、“十二五”污染防治重点任务 Key task of air pollution prevention and treatment during 12th 5-year plan 重点工作任务:以细颗粒物污染防控为重点,全力推进大气污染防治 Key task: focusing on prevention and treatment of PM, comprehensively push forward air pollution prevention and treatment 分步实施新的环境空气质量标准:2012年,京津冀、长三角、珠三角等重点区域以及直辖市、省会城市率先开展;2013年,在113个环保重点城市和国家环保模范城市;2015年起,所有地级及以上城市;2016年1月1日起,在全国范围。 Implementing new Ambient Air Quality Standard step by step: implementation in BTH region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and provincial capital cities in 2012; 113 key cities and national demonstration cities in 2013; all cities of and over prefecture-level cities since 2015; the whole country since 1 Jan 2016. 全面落实《重点区域大气污染防治“十二五”规划》:完善区域大气污染联防联控机制,重点在“三区十群”建立“五个统一”的区域联防联控机制。 Implementing the 12th 5-year Plan of Air Pollution Prevention and Treatment in Key Regions: improving regional air management and collaboration, focusing on “three region and ten groups” and “five unification” 实施城市空气质量达标管理:空气质量超标城市人民政府应当制定限期达标规划,采取更加严格的污染治理措施,按期实现达标。 Implementing urban air management on target control: cities that fails to meet air quality standard should be request to develop plans to meet targets before a definite date and to take stricter measure of pollution treatment. 重点工作任务:以细颗粒物污染防控为重点,全力推进大气污染防治 Key task: focusing on prevention and treatment of PM, comprehensively push forward air pollution prevention and treatment 大力推进多污染物协同防治:开展煤炭消费总量控制试点;大气污染严重的城市,新建项目实行区域内“倍量替代”;重点行业和地区污染物特别排放限值;加大大气污染防治资金投入。 Promote synergy prevention and treatment of multi-pollutant: implementing pilot gross coal consumption control, “times reduction of alternative pollutant” for new facilities, emission limit in key sectors and regions, increasing investment on air pollution prevention and treatment 深化机动车污染防治:完善以“环保标志”为核心的在用车监管体系和以“生产一致性检查”为核心的新车监管体系;加速“黄标车”淘汰进程。 Deepening motor vehicle pollution: improve monitoring system focusing on “environment protection label” for inventory vehicle and monitoring system o
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