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Translate the following phrases and sentences 真正的本能变得暗淡甚至丢失了。 True instinct is dimmed and even lost. 那些负责看管所有孩子的天使们 Those angels who preside over all children 不可摧毁的 Indestructible 在面临困难的时候感觉到自身的不足 To feel inadequate when confronted with difficulties 在一种自我挫败的情绪中 In a mood of self-defeat 种子生长的肥沃土壤 The fertile soil in which the seeds grow 为未来铺平道路 Pave the way for the future 吸收,同化 assimilate (take in; absorb) 没有多少关于自然的知识供你支配 Have little knowledge of nature at your disposal 一个在城市居住的人 A city dweller 观察神秘的鸟类迁徙 To observe the mysterious migrations of the birds 从不厌倦生活 To be never weary of life 这力量将持续一生。 The strength will endure as long as life lasts. 潮起潮落 The ebb and flow of the tides 黑夜之后是黎明,冬天之后是春天。 Dawn comes after night and spring comes after winter. Sometimes you have to “read between the lines” to discover the meaning of this kind of sentence. An example from Text A is: If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. Reading between the lines, we find the full meaning of this sentence is: If we agree to think of facts as the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom then we can think of the emotions and the impressions of the senses as the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. Unit 3 Structure Now complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English. 1. If your roommate has a high fever and her throat hurts, ________________________ (那她可能得流感了). 2. ________________________________ (如果你在剑桥学 物理的话), then you must know my uncle — he’s a professor there. 3. If the book isn’t on the table, ________________________ __________ (那它就在其中的一个抽屉里). then she might have the flu If you’re studying physics at Cambridge then it must be in one of the drawers Unit 3 Structure IX. Now complete the following


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