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A Parking Sticker
1 What is the student’s situation?
A. She wants to buy another parking sticker
B. She needs to pay a parking ticket
C. She is trying to get her first parking sticker
D. She would like to get a credit card
2 How is the student going to pay?
A With cash B With a check
C With a credit card D With a debit card
3 What does the student NOT need to do?
A Complete a form B Show identification
C Pay a fee D Bring her car
4 Where does the sticker go? (2 answers)
A On the front window B On the back window
C On the right side D On the left side
5 What is stated about parking on campus?
A Students may not park in colored areas.
B Campus parking areas are distinguished by color
C Areas marked with colors are not for parking
D Parking stickers are marked with different colors
6 Who parks in which areas? (2 answers)
A Students use blue parking areas
B Faculty and staff use blue parking areas
C Students use yellow parking areas
D Faculty and staff use yellow parking areas
iron pyrite
18 In what ways is iron pyrite similar to gold ?
A In color B In shape C In composition D In reaction to heat
19 Why is iron pyrite called fool’s gold?
A Some foolish people wasted time looking for it.
B Some foolish people thought that it was gold.
C Some foolish people preferred it to gold.
D Some foolish people gave it away.
20 What is iron pyrite composed of ? 2 answers.
A Gold B Sulfur C Sparks D iron
21 How does iron pyrite react to heat? 2 answers
A It creates smoke B It emits a bad smell
C It becomes golden. D It develops a shine.
22 Where did the word pyrite come from?
A From a Latin word meaning “gold”. B From a Latin word meaning “fire”.
C From a Greek word meaning “iron” D From a Greek word meaning “fire”.
23 How did some ancient cultures use iron pyrite?
A To create gold B To heat gold C To start fires D To reduce odors.
A Drama Class
7 When is the students’
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