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Introduction 本课程适应新时期培养高素质复合型人才的需要,针对学生未来的考研和职业需求,突出对外报外刊分析、总结、归纳和研究能力的培养,提高学生观察、理解、分析问题的能力和独立思考的能力,进一步提高学生的阅读理解能力和英语口、笔头表述能力。本课程阅读的材料主要选自英国、美国出版的报纸和刊物,文章的类型以时事新闻为辅,社论、时事评论、新闻分析为主。通过课程学习,学生将会了解一些主要英美报刊的特点、报刊英语风格等,学习现代实用、丰富鲜活的英语,既提高语言运用能力,又从报刊中获息,了解西方动态,扩大有关政治、经济、科技、军事及社会文化等方面的词汇及知识面, 为独立阅读各种英语材料打下良好的基础. The objectives of this course By taking this course,you are supposed to: -Be better informed of major English and American newspapers and magazines. -Get a better understanding of journalistic language. -Enlarge your vocabulary,esp.the journalistic vocabulary. -Enhance your reading comprehension ability -Enhance your culrural awareness. Major English News Agencies 1) AP (the Associated Press) 美联社 The Associated Press (AP) is an American news agency,which was founded in 1846 and located in New York.many newspapwes and broascasters outside the United States are AP subscribers,paying a fee to use AP material. The Associated Press operates 243 news bureaus,and it serves at least 120 countries,with an international staff located all over the world. The Press Association is an international news agency in the United Kingdom and Ireland,supplying news wire to almost all national and local newspapers,Television and radio news,as well as many websites. It was founded in 1868 in order to supply news items from across the country to its members.It is based in London and has correspondents throughout Britain. 2) PA (Press Association)报纸联合社 4) Reuters 路透社 Reuters is an international news agency founded in London in 1851 by Paul Julius Reuter. The agency pioneered the use of telegraphy,building up a service used today By newspapwes and radio and television staions in most countries. It now operates in at least 200 cities in 94 counties,providing repores from around the world to newspapers and broadcasters in about 20 languages. Reuters has a strict policy towards upholding objectiveness. United Press Internatio



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