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华侨大学泉州校区药用植物资源调查 徐先祥,倪云霞,付艺冰,朱秦,郑文杰,李琼,黄应钦,秦思,朱亚玲,张小鸿 (华侨大学生物医学学院,福建 泉州 362021) 摘 要:目的:对华侨大学泉州校区的药用植物资源进行调查。方法:通过实地调查并查阅相关资料,鉴定药用植物品种,记录其分布、生长环境、药用部位及功效,编制了药用植物名录,并从药用植物的多样性、生长习性、生态稳定性和功能性等方面进行分析与评价。结果:华侨大学(泉州校区)校园内有药用植物315种,隶属101科,其中被中国药典收载的有85种。结论:调查结果可为相关的教学与科研、校园绿化建设规划等提供科学依据。 关键词:华侨大学;泉州校区;药用植物;资源调查 中图分类号:R282.5 文献标识码:A Investigation on Medicinal Plant Resources in Quanzhou School District of Huaqiao University XU Xian-xiang, NI Yun-xia, FU Yi-bing, ZHU Qin, ZHENG Wen-jie, LI Qiong, HUANG Ying-qin, QIN Si, ZHU Ya-ling, ZHANG Xiao-hong (School of Biomedical Science, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China) Abstract: Objective: To investigate the medicinal plant resources in Quanzhou school district of Huaqiao University. Methods: Based on the on-the-spot investigation and the related reference materials, the medicinal plants were appraised and the distribution, habitat, medicinal parts and efficacy were also recorded. This article compiled a list of the medicinal plants in Quanzhou school district of Huaqiao University, analysed and evaluated the diversity, growth habit, ecological stability and functionality. Results: The investigation results show that there are 313 medicinal plant species which belongs to 100 families in Quanzhou school district of Huaqiao University, among which 85 medicinal plant species are indexed by the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Conclusion: The investigation provides scientific data for related teaching and research and even the campus construction. Key words: Huaqiao University; Quanzhou school district; medicinal plant; resource investigation. 华侨大学泉州校区地处我国历史文化名城福建省泉州市,坐落于风景秀丽的清源山山脚下,依山面海,气候宜人。日照充足,雨量充沛,优越的自然环境和悠久的人文沉淀使得校园内植物种类丰富,野生和人工栽培的药用植物种类众多,是泉州乃至闽南地区植物分布的一个缩略图。华侨大学生物医学学院开设药学本科专业,药学年平均降水米,全年无霜期358天清源山水域面积6000余平方米,最深处1.8米ist of the medicinal plants in Quanzhou school district of Huaqiao University 科名 种名 拉丁学名 药用部位 功效 念珠藻科 地耳 Nostoc commune Vauch. 全株 清热明目、收敛益气 葫芦藓科 葫芦藓 Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. 全株


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