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国内银行境外并购财务评价与战略评价的比较 ——以招商银行并购永隆银行为例 摘 要 当今在全新的经济、政治条件下,世界金融业在发生着一场深刻的变革。国内银行在这场变革中,如何顺应历史发展的趋势,面对挑战,已经成为一个不容回避的问题。金融是现代经济生活的核心,如何认清世界金融发展趋势,摆正我们自己的位置,壮大自己的实力,已变得日益重要。随着国际上银行业的兼并日益风起云涌,学术界对于这方面的研究也在不断深入。 最近几年,国内银行加速扩张境外版图,这反映出银行扩大规模和开展多元化混业经营的迫切需求,通过并购方式是国内银行向境外发展的理性选择,也是国际上金融集团成功的经验。 关键词:、、 Abstract Recently, under the economic and political environment,the world finance industry has been changed rapidly. Banks in mainland must be considered the finance problem and faced challenges. As we know, finance is the core in modern economic society,which is important for mainland banks to consider how to strengthen their power and follow international finance’s development. With the MA between banks rise in the world, deeper and deeper research focus on it. Banks speed up the expansion to the mainland in the year. This indicates that imminent need of mainland bank to extend size and develop variety and mix operations. MA is the rational choice for mainland banks and experience of successful finance group in the world. There are different ways of evaluating those MA cases, including evaluating potential effect from strategy and evaluating cost-benefit from finance. This dissertation analyzes China merchants bank merged Wing Lung Bank effect in strategy aspect and finance aspect. Firstly, the concept of MA and MA strategy was interpreted and theory which enlightened this research in Chapter one. Secondly, I analyze the motivation and strategy of mainland bank MA after looking into mainland bank status. Thirdly, China Merchants Bank merged Wing Lung Bank effect was analyzed from price, potential profit, core capital adequacy,shareholder return rate and goodwill Finally, China Merchants Bank merged Wing Lung Bank effect was analyzed from internationalization, synthesis, income and customer strategy. In a word, the merger was higher in price and lower in future profit from finance,which established solid foundation for the future international strategy of


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